
How do you know if a pisces guy likes you?

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I have a crush on a guy and just found out we are both pisces. I used to not like him b/c I though is confidence was cockyness, but when he is around me and others he doesn't know, I was surprised to see him act more reserved, and actually shy. I love the way he dresses, but I also found out it's b/c he spends like $1000 on jeans! I like to save...he wants to become this rich business guy some day, is funny, smart, nice, and hot! Are these general characteristics of a pisces guy? What should I do to show him I like him?

NOTE: I don't really believe this stuff, but I'd have to admit, it is interesting to think about




  1. well, the stars have to align first. then, he has to make a move on you, just casually talking to you, and lastly you have to forget all about him, and then when eucalydis remembers what happened, the stars will align again, thus making it possible for babies to sprout under your armpits.

  2. because ypu are both picese, it works well, and you know he likes you if hes sometimes shy yet sometimes really open with you.

  3. she eyes me like a pisces when i am weak

  4. Pisces guys are really cool calm, collected, creatures. He most likely has a thing for you, yet does not know how to approach the situation. He is very observant,, but doesn't want anyone to think that there is anything "soft or sensitive" about him. Pisces usually act like this, at least the ones I know. Its just a game. The fact that he talks to you and maybe opens up says a lot. If you have time to wait, just wait it out he'll come around sooner or later. Good Luck!

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