
How do you know if it is time to have s*x?

by  |  earlier

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okay like say you really like someone and there ready to have s*x but your not.What do you do in a situation like that?

should you just do it?

should you brake up with him?

please anyone help me!




  1. If you don't want to just say NO.Its not a reason to break up with him .If he cares enough for you he 'll stick around.If not he only wanted one thing c.u. later.kick him to the curb

  2. You say, "I'm not ready yet."  If he continues to pressure you,he doesn't really care about you, so it's time to break up.

  3. when you feel you are not ready and he is you wait don't let someone else pressure you into s*x and when you do have s*x please use protection.

  4. Just tell him you arn't ready. If he doesn't accept that, he isn't the right person for you.

    Also, use protection. We don't need anymore teen mothers.

  5. How Do Know When Its Time To Have s*x?:

    yerrr weddingggg night [[[=

  6. Do it when there''s a ring on your left hand. And you are finacially stable.

    Tell that person, "I'm not ready. And if really like and respect me, you won'tcare that I'm not ready. I still want to be friends in all, but I'm not ready to lose it yet."

    Do NOT just do it.

    If you really like him, no.

    Contact me if you need more advie.

  7. I think the best time to have s*x is within a loving and commited relationship whether that be a serious adult relationship, engagement or marriage. I'm quite liberal with my views on life and this may sound quite old-fashioned and conservative but s*x is a big thing, and you might want to wait a while- when you know the both of you are doing it to express love not just for sake of it.

    If you feel like he's pressuring you, don't do it. Wait a while, don't immediately break up.

    And remember if you think you are ready, you need to be responsible. Make sure you are on birth control pills AND he uses a condom

    Best of luck

  8. You will know it is time to have s*x when you are wearing a wedding ring.

    You should never simply do it to make someone else happy. If they do not care enough about you to wait then they should not be with you. Your body and soul and how you feel about yourself is more important than that and it should matter to them.

    So...respect yourself and do not lower your standards. Whether or not you break up mostly depends on how he views your standards.

    If you really do not want to break up ask him to list reasons he cares about you and wants to be with you. If he has good answers this is still not a reason to have s*x but at least you know he might stick around.  If he gets annoyed with you for the question or makes fun of you he does NOT respect you.

    Hope I was helpful. Be well. I am in my 30s and I know MANY women who regret having s*x as a teen and NONE who regret saving it for marriage or at least engagement or a serious adult relationship.

    You have so much ahead of you in  your life. Don`t waste it on pregnancy; STD; or the heartbreak of bonding with someone in a sexual relationship  only to have it not last because you were kids and not emotionally committed to one another.

  9. i would have safe s*x which is to go on birth control and then use a condom and i would have s*x just to get the hang of it i am sure your boyfriend or hers wouldnt mind that you have never had intercourse before and so you need for him to take the lead also sit down and talk about it and then see how you want to start out

  10. 1. Always carry protection. If you feel like you're ready to have s*x, don't rely on the boy to have protection (because boys are idiots and think they can't feel anything without a condom, don't listen to that)

    2. If you're asking the question am I ready, then you're not ready, because when you finally do have s*x it will feel right and shouldn't be awkward or forced.

    3. If the boy you're with only wants s*x then break up with him, because you don't want to be labelled a s**t.

    4. Don't become one of those girls who has s*x just because the boy/man wants you to. It has to feel right in your heart and no you shouldn't just do it. Think of your future and what man is going to want a girl to take home to Mum who opens her legs for every boy that puts pressure on her?

    5. Stay in school :D

  11. If you aren't ready, nobody is forcing you to have it.  Just tell them that you aren't ready and you would like to wait.

    Go to this site:

    I hope it helps!

  12. You're ready when you're mature enough that you don't need someone else's opinion or permission, for one thing.  Just because your SO wants s*x, you don't have to give in OR break up (unless those are his or her "conditions").

  13. When you can afford to take care of a child for 18 years

    When you're in an extremely long term stable relationship (aka MARRIAGE)

    When you're over the age of 18

    When you're done with highschool

    When you won't use my tax money to support it.

  14. tell them ur not ready..

    no you should not change ur morals just to make someone happy.

    if he does not have a problem with our choice then its fine you dont have to break up with him but if he has a prob with it and tryes to force u to have s*x break up with him.

  15. When you have a nice shiny ring on your finger.  If you don't want to wait until then, than don't do it until YOU are 100% sure that YOU want to do it.  If your bf really cares about you, he wont mind waiting for you. If he is pushing you, he only cares for himself and his desires.

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