
How do you know if someone is a true friend?

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How do you know if someone is a true friend?




  1. They are loyal and honest, they will do almost anything for you.

  2. They stick by you even though others abandon you.

  3. there nice and dont use you

  4. They are there 'for' you........not 'against'

  5. You know someone is a true friend when they listen to you, and care, and not always talking about there problems but instead listening to you. If someone is a true friend they will hang with you often and be nice to you, and not using you.

  6. They look forward to meeting up with you.

    They don't get angry at you for things they would at other people.

    They stand up for you if they hear someone bad mouthing you.

    They are there for you if your having a rough time.

    They lend you things.

    You tell each other everything ,even the biggest secret ever!

    You know stuff like that :]

  7. all these answers give great examples, but that is not something any given person besides yourself can answer. You will know when they are a true friend, you'll get this feeling and you will know.  

  8. a frnd in need is a frnd in deed.

  9. when that someone is with you through thick & thin

    and that someone is just "ONE" person

    I got a lot of friends but only one true friend :)

  10. If they are they'll have a tattoo somewhere on their body that says "True friend". Try and find it, that's the only way to be sure.

    If they won't let you search for it, they're not a friend at all.

  11. gr8 answer by MCB  !  

    but let me tell u its d**n tough to figure out wheather your friends are your true friends or not .... but still there are ways i have discoveered to find it !!

    1. wear somethng reely awkward .. wait and see if they  take u aside and tell u dat u should change cuz u look really crazzy !

    (p.s : if they are not ur true friends they will ahrdly be concerned )

    2. call one of them up at late in the night and see wheather they are willing to give up their sleep to listen to ur problems!

    (p.s : if they are not ur true friends they will surely say .." hey y dont u wait till morning ... we will meet up at school .. wots the hurry !" )

    3. say this and see .. " hey i like ur watch , earring( or woteva) can i have it ???

    (p.s: if they hesitate ... then u knw the answer ....  ;) )

    MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL .... see if your friends trust u and stand by woteva u say or not ... nomatter if woteva u say sounds total c**p .....  

    these were few ways by which u can actually figure out the answer to your question !  all are tried and approved by me .. lollz ....

    hope this helpes !!  true friends are hard to find ... but harder to keep ....   so it takes lot of effort ... if u can understand what i mean !!!

  12. If They Tell The Truth!

    Even If Theyve Done Something Wrong.

    They Should Always Be honest With You.

    And If Someones Saying Sumfin About You They Should Be Sticking up For You..

    True Friends Are the Ones Who Stick By Your Side Through Everyfin You'll Noo If Therr always Their To Help =)

  13. When they are there for you no matter what and wouldn't go telling people things that you dont want them to

  14. there for you when you need them most, and you dont have to ask!

    im doubting mine at the minute.....

  15. If you can trust them, and they're always there for you.

  16. A true friend is someone who is loyal, makes you laugh, trustworthy and willing to sacrifice anything for you.  

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