
How do you know if someone is drama queen?

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I am going to a new school this year..I could really use a little to deal with populars and to become friends with kool people? How to deal with populars?




  1. be yourself.

    1 more thing, don't hang out with the dumb asses.

  2. well pull their pants down if u see a p***s the its a drag queen

    o wait u said drama queen

    that i dont know

  3. ahaha the populars lol thats classic. welll the best advice i could give u is to look for reall friends based on personallity rather than status. some of the best people are usually unpopular and its not a reall friendship if u only talk to them to look "cool"

  4. Being "cool" seriously is over-rated.

    What is cool?


    Jocks, Cheerleaders, pretty people?




    Cool is what you make of yourself, all the

    nerds think they are cool, so does every

    other clique....the key is don't be some

    thing your not, and don't do anything you

    wouldn't normally!


    Have fun!

    ~answer mine?~

  5. be stylish ,, look good ,, dont hangout with dumb students ,, u will be definitly popular

  6. being "kool" is overrated  

  7. Your either are a cool or good person that stands out of the crowd, creating new things that no one has done or could ever think of doing them in public. That would make others flock to you. That false name is POPULARITY.

    Real Popular people learn to see what they really are inside. True popular people know when to keep an open mind, respect boundaries with themselves and others, take responsibility for their actions, become great role models for the others, & master themselves for their future. Fake Popular people are always awaiting for someone’s approval typically from strangers they never met and like society programming through, Music, TV, and radio channels they tells you and how to think and act. In my opinion that is just straight copy CATTING. Be yourself you will be respected if you respect yourself and don't let anyone change who you are. The friends that will follow will learn and pass it on as good values.

  8. ask obama

  9. If i were you i don't wanna be friends with the populars, because they're making you change yourself. But you can be friends with them if they're popular people, but they're nice.

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