
How do you know if someone is feminist/anti-feminist?

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I didn't put non-feminist because...according to some persons who will remain nameless...non feminists do not exist.

But besides someone plainly saying, "I'm a(n) feminist/anti-feminist" (And no one really believes these words sometimes...), how do you judge is someone is telling the truth or lying? How can you prove it?




  1. Unless someone says so, you really don't know. It's all presumption and labeling otherwise.

  2. I think it's similar to being able to tell if someone was single or not, you'd have to ask them or see if they were wearing a wedding ring. In this case, observing isn't the only way to tell, sometimes it has to be said outright.

  3. You would have to see how they react to a series of certain situations (i.e. a sexist remark, systemic discrimination, a debate with someone of one view, etc.) before you can tell. Maybe some enterprising psychologist will conduct an experiment like this.

  4. It depends...

    1. Owning a "Grrrl Power" T-shirt does not make you a feminist

    2. Hating men does not make you a feminist

    3. Refusing to shave/wash/groom yourself does not make you a feminist (I'm a feminist who firmly believes in getting those eyebrows done).

    I also hate when women say things like, "I can't be a feminist because I'm a stay-at-home mom", as if all feminists work outside the home.

    On the opposite end of that, I hate it when people say, "I'm not a feminist, but I believe in equal rights for women, I believe that women should have access to birth control, I believe that women should get equal pay for equal work..."  If that doesn't make you a feminist, then what does?

    EDIT: Merrik the "Wise"

    " hate "anti-feminist" it is a dirty word. It sounds like you don't want equality for women."

    Ummm...isn't that what it means?

  5. You can't tell unless it comes up in conversation.

    I don't talk about feminism or women's rights at work. I don't bring it up with people I hardly know. I don't debate with strangers about it (unless it's over the internet). Feminists/Anti-Feminists don't look a certain way. They don't wear special clothing. They don't growl. They don't grunt. They don't smell bad. Their belief systems don't prove that they can be a "fit  mother" (see yesterday's questions for details on that one).

    Being a feminist doesn't mean a woman or man won't stay home to look after their children instead of working. An anti-feminist wouldn't necessarily hate going to work everyday.

    How can you prove what they stand for? You usually have to take their word for it. People constantly say one thing and do another, especially if they fear what people think about them...or worse, dread "thumbs downs" on Yahoo. *note sarcasm*

    ...and by the way, if no one believes who you say you are (on Yahoo), why should it matter? You don't have anything to prove to them. Debating and even argueing is fine, but at the end of the day, if you feel like you need to constantly prove yourself to strangers you don't know, who won't believe you, just leave the ol' computer for a few hours. Chances are, a break is needed.

  6. Labels labels labels!!

    I dont go in for the bullcrap.

  7. With women its easier than men.

    Not all feminists dress a certain way, but for the ones that do its pretty clearly a signal they want to send out

    In my experience, when a woman becomes a feminist its something she wants you to see in her appearance.

    Anti-feminists? If a woman is dressed/made up in the traditionally alluring style it is a good bet that she would not describe herself as a feminist. Sure there are lipstick lesbians but that's a slightly different topic.

    With men its trickier. You can tell if I'm a feminst in about 10 seconds flat if you ask me what I think of feminism, but otherwise I don't look different from most men. What does a feminist man look like?

    LOL!  They wouldn't have a dress code because people would laugh at them openly in the street! Given how badly feminism treats men, they are right  to be ashamed.

  8. I really think they have to say it.  I have been confused for both, but I am neither.  I know there are also people I have mistaken one or the other and then they verify that they are this, that, the other or simply nothing.

    EDIT- Would anyone like to edit wendy's answer?  I believe there are a few grammatical errors.

  9. Spelling. The anti-feminists can't. And don't even get me started on grammar!

    Lol...just kidding. (Sort of...)

    EDIT-Feel free to do it yourself, Mrs. I'm sure after correcting 1st grader's papers all day, you will do an excellent job of correcting mine.

    And your ability to take a joke is awe-inspiring, as well.

  10. I hate "anti-feminist" it is a dirty word. It sounds like you don't want equality for women. I don't think there are hardly any "anti-feminist on GWS. I think there might be people who disagree with what women have made of Feminism, but they still appreciate equal rights. I am not and Anti-Feminist, but I am not a Feminist. I am Pro-Equal Rights. I do not go any father than that.

    EDIT to Capricorn: I said that that is what it sounds like to me. You would call me an anti-feminist just because I don't agree with modern day feminism, but I am not against equal rights. That is why I said that I am pro-women's rights. Got it?

    Anyone who is opposed to he cult that feminism has become isn't always against women's rights. Have you stopped to think that before jumping to conclusions? Obviously not.

  11. Consistency; does what they do, act, react walk hand in hand with what they say. Example A: this person claims not to believe in equal rights, yet at the same time they rant on how women are being paid less.  Example B: Again this person is like A; only they could care less about who gets more money.  So ask yourself who would you believe.

    Edit: you know something my being equal with you a man; makes no difference to me; after all one you will die and so will I. <twirls hand>

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