
How do you know if someone is the one you're supposed to be with?

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How do I know if my boyfriend is the person I am supposed to marry and spend the rest of my life with? Is it a feeling? Is it the way he treats me? Is it how comfortable we are with eachother? How do I know?




  1. you're not "supposed" to marry and spend your life with anyone.

    And in short: you don't. Life's a gamble.

  2. most likely feeling........

  3. You just know...if you dont, then there are some prefabricated identities in place, preventing you from knowing

  4. well how does he treat you if he is doing everything right and you guys live with each other for a long time and nothing changes and life just gets better and better with him then i think your soul will know but you guys have to live with each other so there is no surprises when you guys get married :)

  5. Every relationship is different.  That may not be what you what to know but it is the truth.  Also figuring out who you are suppose to spend the rest of your life with is different for everyone one too.  What i can tell you is to make sure you experience life before you decide who is the one.  Not only for you, but for them also.  I did not do this and almost ruined it for myself because i ****** up.  It takes everyone different times to know if they have that special person some know it after the first minute and some it takes almost losing them forever.  Just be you and you'll figure it out.

  6. You can never ever imagine living in this world without them!

  7. You just know. After the first date you know the person is special. My mom says, "if you can't get someone out of your head then maybe they are supposed to be there." I live by those words.

    I was with my fiance for 5 months when he asked me to marry him (we were acquaintances before dating) and when people ask we both say the same thing. "I knew after the first date."

    It's all three of the things you mentioned all rolled into one. Most importantly: do you trust him with your life? The answer to that question will answer all of the other ones.

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