
How do you know if the military is rite for you?

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How did you know, do you regret it, and did it turn out ok for you who actually joined.




  1. It just is. Hah! Anyway, the way I knew is that I thought of it more as a calling instead of simply a job/career. I feel it is my duty to help protect this country, and I enjoy all the camaraderie.

    Not in a position to tell you to join or not's a very serious commitment and should not be taken lightly. If you're meant to join us, you'll know.

  2. I love the military.

    My husband was in the army then a miracle got him into the Air Force. I joined the air force after him.

    I was raised by a marine, so i was used to life being restricted. but all in all i am a tom boy and i always like to prove that women are just as good as men and can handle things just as well.

    Because i had this mind set, i was not happy just being a military wife that lived through my husband. I had to accomplish things on my own and i felt that if he could handle it, i could too and possibly even better.

    I have never regreted anything. And i plan to make it last for 20 years.

    Join the Air force if you have any military doubts at all. right now they are downsizing and if you join and you decide you dont like it, its not hard to break your contract. We are not as tough as the other branches and we are very family friendly. you will be able to grow up and get married and become a strong woman. if you join the marines or the army, you will be pushed so hard and made into a soldier. if you doubt being in the military, becoming a die hard soldier is stressful on someone who doesnt want it.

    The air force is very laid back compared to anything else. it will basically feel like a job, and you will be able to have a life as well.

  3. Honestly, I don't think you actually "know" if the military is right for you or not until you join.  I grew up an Army son and I was bound and determined to never join the military.  Well when college came around and I really needed some extra money for school, I felt like I had nowhere else to turn because only the military was offering free tuition assistance, paid job training, an enlistment bonus, all that c**p.  So I joined and it was probably the best choice of my life.  I'm getting my college tuition paid for.  I'm getting paid extra just for getting good grades.  I'm getting paid to do something I love.  It's really not as bad as people make it out to be.  Sure you might get screwed over every now and then by someone doing something stupid, but overall I think it's worth it.  If you're interested, I'd recommend just giving it a try.  If you hate it, it's only a couple of years and you're out.  If you like it, I won't say the opportunites are endless...but there are a lot of opportunites military personnel can jump on that most people can't.  Good luck in whatever you choose to do.

  4. I didn't know if it was until I tried.  I don't regret joining, but I am glad I'm not in the Army anymore.  I loved my job, but I love being with my daughter and husband more.  But I did meet my husband in AIT and am now an Army Wife.

  5. The common factor of people who join seems to be that they are ready for something new. If you feel like you need a change in your life, something to put it on a new track, and are willing to put in some effort to get something to be proud of then you are probably ready for the military.

    You should be ready to leave your old lifestyle behind forever.

    I joined for the college benefits. I was terrified of signing my life away for six years. Turned out that I really liked it and made a career.  I didn't sign my life away, but I started an actual life.

    Looking back, it was the best thing I ever did. I have not regretted a day.

  6. "Rite" for you? As in a "sacrificial rite"? I think you meant to say "right" for you. Well, with that spelling all I can say is go ahead and join them. You'll be a perfect fit.

  7. I don't regret it however; I don't think it is RITE for you at this time.

    Yahoo does have spell check!

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