
How do you know if the wound is infected........?

by  |  earlier

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I asked this before but...........

I have a blister or a raised 'thing' on my body, and it is just wont heal, and keeps bleeding and ejecting a clear fluid when it comes in contact with my clothes.

I have used TCP but doesnt work to heal it or stop the bleeding I dont want to use a plaster because I just if it is infected, it would make it worse.





  1. clear fluid isn't generally too much of a problem, just the wound/blister thing's healing process.  If it was infected, the fluid would have colour.... generally green.  ew.

    might be worth getting it checked out though

  2. If the area is swollen/inflamed and warm with coloured oozing this is an indication of infection; in your situation, if the wound is refusing to heal, the best thing to do is let your GP have a look, all wounds that refuse to heal should be investigated, in the meantime, keep the wound can cover it, it won't do any harm.

  3. Firstly seek medical advice regarding your blister 'thing'... Signs of infection include redness, increased heat, and a foul smell x

  4. Clear fluid is ok- while messy it's not infected.

    An infected area has redness, heat and colored drainage.  

    Suggestion is to put some antibiotic ointment on it to keep it clean and cover it with a band aid to keep the drainage off your clothing.

    Keep it clean- wash with warm water and soap a couple times a day, when you don't need to be dressed, let it have open air exposure and put the antibiotic cream on twice a day.

  5. if the ooze is clear its not infected but if its orange then it is. check to see if its red around the edges ore swollen.

    another way to tell is if it smells like dead fish  

  6. Your pharmacist will advice you as to the best product to use. Meanwhile a dressing of absorbant lint, kept in place with a plaster or bandage, will absorb any liquid. Put the smooth side next to ther wound.

  7. If your really worried go see your doctor.

  8. You made need some anti-biotic cream or oral anti-biotics. If it's been there more than a week or two you should see a doctor.

    Signs of infection are yellow/green pus, redness the area feeling hot and maybe a smell.

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