
How do you know if there is really a spirit in your house or if it's just your imagination carried away?

by Guest58451  |  earlier

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How do you know if there is really a spirit in your house or if it's just your imagination carried away?




  1. you probably are right,, you just don't see things or hear things for nothing..there is a reason why you do,,to be sure go get a priest and have him to bless our house and he will be able to tell you too..or go see a physic or medium..and have them come to your house..or call the T.A.P.S. the ghost hunters come to your house free just to put it on TV..

  2. Separating objective reality from that which is perceived can be difficult and, in the case of isolated evens, sometimes impossible.  Ideally you could obtain some sort of empirical data or something else that indicates the perceived spirit exists objectively--that is, in the "real world" beyond that which you personally observe.  Having an understanding of how much of the world operates can assist you in using reason to determine if something else could be responsible for the activity of the perceived spirit.

  3. The first thing to do is try to rein in your imagination.   Look for other explanations for anything that happens.   If a door swings open always suspect a draft or some other natural reason first.   If you can rule out the normal, then it is time to start a journal.  Document things that happen and times.   See if there is a pattern of any kind.   It is difficult for some people to record in their homes but recording evp is the most direct route to detecting a haunting.   If you are afraid, then don't attempt it.

  4. the presence of spirits could actually be felt without imagination. when there's a spirit around, you could have goosebumps and it could raise your hair, you'd know its there, you'll feel it. if you wanna try to encounter spirits in your home, light up candles at the break of dawn, offer rice and beans, then ask the spirits to come out, then once you feel cold, it means it answered your request, then say you welcome their presence and make friends with them and ask these spirits to be your shield and proctection. spirits are harmless

  5. depends on the movie you just watched, haha.  kidding.  most of the time, it's just your imagination taking over.  ive always been kinda skeptic about lingering spirits but im sure its not entirely impossible.

  6. I often wonder the same thing, everyone tells me it's just my imagination, though I don't necessarily believe them.

  7. You are the best judge of that since you are the one there the majority of the time.  You are not doing anyone any favors by  using your imagination as opposed to common sense.

    Since you are your own best judge, you know when things "just are not right".  For example, if you have a lamp that all of a sudden starts flashing and coming on and cutting off on its own.  The best thing to do is unplug the lamp and have it checked. After you have done so and it checked out fine but the problem is still happening, the next step is to have the plug-in checked.  Say there is no problem with the outlet...then its time to let the cameras roll.

    You must check out all the obvious problems that might be the cause before you can count on it being paranormal.  Changing a lightbulb might be a simple fix, then it might not help at all.  But you have to rule everything else out.

  8. we know if its our imaginations otherwise alot of stuff would mess with our heads but when you feel that certain something different its well differant and you can try to figure out exactly what it is

  9. Try taking the quiz at the following hyperlink.

    If your place has a spirit they can put you in contact with someone who can help.


  10. It depends how you feel about it? don't let get the best of you and the more wondering the more things mess with you. i understand also when it's there it's there. But you need to know that your mind is very powerfull and can play trick on you. You need to be in control even if it's there or not.

  11. Hello, I am on a paranormal team, please contact me so I can talk to you about your situation. I would love to understand more of what is happening I may be able to help you. Email me.

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