
How do you know if they're teething?

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What are some signs?




  1. cranky, drooly, not sleeping well (either at night, or during naps), chews on everything, sometimes there's a lack of appetite (or refusing to eat solids, only nursing or bottle)

  2. All of my children were like goats, They ate/chewed on everything! My daughter was the most peculiar, she acted like a rabid dog when she got her eye teeth. She was gnawing mid air. You can't mistake it!  

  3. They will drool over everything!! Their gums will swell and get really tender. They will start chewing on everything. They may run a low grade temp. They could be cranky, sleep less or wake up more frequently. they may not want to eat from a spoon because it hurts so they may only want to nurse or drink from their bottle.From all they drool it is very likely they will get diarrhea. Best of luck my daughter cut her first tooth at 3.5-4 months. She is 8.5 months now and has 8 teeth.

  4. You can not miss the signs of teething unless you are blind(lol)

      Lots of drooling, some crying, chewing on anything they can get a hold of, diarrhea, and low grade fever.

    Loss of apatite can also happen.

      You can get a teething ring at the store, t has water inside and you put it in the freezer and they can chew on that, but a cheaper way is to take a hand towel and soak one end in water and freeze that.

      Also a favorite pacifier will work.

    If the baby is really in pain, baby ambisol works great.

      Good luck to both of you.

  5. My little boy's signs were drooling and ear pulling. You can tell also by touching the gums and looking to see if they are swollen. Most of the time the first teeth to come in are the bottom fronts (but all babies are different).

  6. my son puts everything in  his mouth especially his hand, he also drools and ran Little temperature.

  7. - drooling

    - Cranky

    - Diarrhea

    - Fever

    - Biting everything (chewing)

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