
How do you know if you're in love?

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And what is love anyway?




  1. All you do is think about them. You accept all their flaws and love them despite these flaws. You will be by their side no matter what. If you found out that this person had a terminal disease, would you stick by their side and love them uncondionally even though you knew you were going to lose them any time? If you say yes, then you love that person.

  2. Well, I'm 44 and what I figured out is you really know you love someone when you go through trials and disagreements and you still like them and want to be with them. You find yourself thinking about them all the time and their happiness is so important to you. You could never imagine doing anything to hurt them and you like the way you feel when your around them, but you won't know until your in your late 20's almost me, you have so much to learn first...I know...I know that sucks....LOL  You have to weather the storms with them and still like them and that's not always easy to do, that's why so many people get divorced, they stop liking each other. You seem young, your probably only going to have the opportunity to REALLY LIKE someone until your older.  Love is for's very complicated and trying.  Find a guy that's your best friend first and then you'll have a very good chance of finding the one!

  3. i would advise you now.the best way to define love, is urself.

    everyone has opinions on what it is and how u can me, ull b d onli wun hu knws.ull realise it.

    u constantly think abt them, if you've had a fight you its always on ur mind...ders so much.

  4. you know if your in love, if the person you love is always on your mind, and u know deep down in your heart that you would do anything in the world for that person. And they mean so much to you that you wouldn't/couldn't live a day without them by your side.

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