
How do you know if you are an alcoholic?

by Guest33143  |  earlier

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How do you know if you are an alcoholic?




  1. try some controlled drinking...the deal with alcoholism is that it's a two part disease....a physical allergy (once you put alcohol into your body you can't determine how much you will consume and lose control over your drinking) and an obsession of the mind (you find yourself obsessing about alcohol) and the interesting part is something that NEVER happens in the average drinker...alcoholics develop something called the "phenomenon of craving" which is basically that once any alcohol is into our system you crave  more and more...if you find you are able to leave it are probably not an alcoholic...if you find you can't stop drinking...i would recommend a 12 step recovery group

  2. if you even think you might have alcohol problems you should get help

  3. I average a case of beer a day, I know that I'm a drunk, Alcoholics go to meetings....

  4. If you can just walk away from it sans somatic side effects and know that there are priorities that drinking sidelines, you're fine.

    Just leave it like any other toxic relationship, & shut the door behind you.  Stay well.

  5. well i know because i work in the restaurant business, and waiting on crazy people will drive you to drink....and the only thing to do when I get off work is to's just what us servers do.....

  6. If you have to ask then you probably are. However I drink like a fish but I am not an alcoholic.

  7. I think there are different levels of alcoholism. Some people need it to function, and some people just can't control themselves once they've started. I think the real question is how it is affecting your life. If its causing problems with family, relationships, work, or health you probably need to seek some help.

  8. when it is no longer any fun and you have to have it.

  9. Most alcoholics don't think they have a problem ... so, if you DO think you have a problem, you must REALLY have one! ....  It can't hurt to go to an AA meeting

  10. Why are you asking?  What I have been told, brother is recovering alcoholic - 10 years sober, is that you turn to alcohol every time something good or bad happens to you, you find excuses to drink and have excuses for your behaviors while you drink.  Also, when you are drinking and you drink and drink until you pass out........good indication you might have a bit of a problem.

  11. you'll run for a  beer at the first problem u can't resolve

  12. Only alcoholics go to meetings everyone else are just drunks.

  13. if you feel like you really cant go without having alcohol  no matter what you are prolly an alcoholic....if you drink a lot but when you shouldnt drink you dont and feel okay with it  you are not a alcoholic...

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