
How do you know if you are feeling withdrawal?

by  |  earlier

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i just had a huge back surgery, and they got me on one or two pirkasect's (a type of pain pill) every 4-6 hours every day. i just started taking one every four hours and feel like c**p. i feel like i need more. is this normal?




  1. It's not withdrawal you're feeling.  Withdrawal occurs after you STOP taking drugs, not while you're taking them.  The symptoms of withdrawal can include, but are not limited to:

    1. Excessive sweating.

    2. Nausea and/or vomiting

    3. Delerium Tremens (or DTs)

    4. Hallucinations

    5. Strong craving for the drug in question.

    The reason that your percocets aren't affecting your pain could be caused by a couple of things.  One, you may have a high tolerance for painkillers.  Two, the dosage may be too low (and that may be intentional on your doctor's part to help prevent addiction).  Talk to your doctor, and like the first poster said, do not self-diagnose or up the dosage.  You could pay for it with your life.

  2. If the percocets aren't working enough to control the pain talk with your Dr. Plz don't start self medicating you'll be sorry I know from personal experience  

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