
How do you know if you are guaranteed minimum wage.?

by Guest67128  |  earlier

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If you are working at like Tim Hortons or what not.

I am talking about a summer job. For an 18-year-old high-school graduate who will have completed 1 year of university by then.

I live in Toronto, Ontario.

How do you know if you are guaranteed minimum wage.





  1. There is a student minimum wage ($8.20) however it applies only to people under 18 years of age, and most often employers just pay everyone based on the standard minimum wage, student or not. Minimum wage is currently $8.75, and all employers must pay at least this hourly wage. Even if you are paid on commission the employer must pay at least the minimum wage per hour.

    For basic info:

    For more info on any special circumstances:

  2. You ask how much they're paying you. If its less than $8.25, tell your employer that they are required BY LAW to pay you that amount. Unless you work in a restruant that is (fast food does not count), because of tips.

  3. Ask them what they'll be paying you. Minimum wage is only the per hour rate. Nothing guarantees how many hours you'll get each week unless it's in a written contract when you start work.

  4. It is required by Canadian law to pay a minimum wage.  If anyone pays less than that, they can be charged under the Charter of Rights.

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