
How do you know if you are happy?

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How can i know if i am happy with my life. I am one of those people who find difficulty in everything he does in his life.. Even when i am enjoying my time my mind is busy with one of my troubles... The last time i was stress free was before high school... What are the signs of being happy? Those people who are happy in this world can you tell me how to know if i am happy?




  1. well if you are asking yahoo if you are happy, chances are YOU'RE NOT. usually when somebody is happy they know it :-/ and you should try being a little more optimistic. the way you look at your life affects your moods and a lot of the time people let the bad things out weigh the good things in life, even though more good things than bad things have happened

  2. If you have to ask if your happy then you have issues.  Its an innate ability to know if your happy, you don't have to ask.  

  3. You are really happy when you can go out with yourself, on a date, and have a wonderful time.  Can you do that?

  4. When you were in your younger years (before high school that is), just like most every kid in that age have no care in the world because there are parents who looks out for them, give them shelter, food, clothing and those materialistic things (toys) that can make them happy. And just like any teenagers, it's an age where you start realizing the world around you and starting to learn how to adapt or adjust in it. When you get to adult hood it's the age and time when you finally have waken up that you have to make your own life to get the things you've been getting when you were a kid and you'll also be aware that it's not that easy to get those things.

    Everybody in this world is stress with their lives, there are just some people that have been stressed from their childhood who just got used and adapted to the world they were in and see it as norm.

    So, my point is if you try to appreciate and look at every little thing as a blessing and not as troubles, you will find life easy to deal with. You will only feel happy make the best of what you have and satisfied with what you have.

    I am one of those who were born on a ground floor, two room (that includes living room, bed room and  dining room and kitchen while the other room is the bathroom and toilet seat without shower-just a plain old faucet), always get flooded when it rains, home.

    I call it home because my brother and I lived there without regrets even when I have to wake up early in the morning to deliver and sell news papers and my brother sells food late at night.

    Learn to count every thing you have and see life as a blessing.

  5. when you're happy and you know it, clap your hands.

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