
How do you know if you are having twins?

by Guest64209  |  earlier

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I'm only 2 months pregnant but i have a mothers instinct and think I'm having twins. I'm feeling kicking and my belly's bigger than i think it should be.




  1. Just ask the doctor if she can tell at your next ultrasound  

  2. ask ur doc..he/she can only tell you

  3. I really think that most mothers think they are having twins.

    I thought it was a possibility, my friend also thought the same thing.

    Kicking at two months sounds a bit early?

    An ultrasound will let you know

  4. kicking at two months  thats probably gas and stretching that you are feeling. if this isnt your first pregnancy then you should expect your belly to be bigger than normal  

  5. Kicking? 2 months? That doesn't sound right. Ask your doctor at your next ultrasound.

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