
How do you know if you are in someones league?

by  |  earlier

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If you are out on a night like how do you know if you can approach them or not? Do you think people should get stickers like red stickers can only go with red stickers yellow with yellow green with green? I think this is a good idea as it would save a lot of confusion. If you don't like it you don't have to go to that club. what d'ya think?




  1. its easy to tell if someone is out of another persons league but your right how can you tell if YOU are out of SOMEONE's league...i'd just chat for a bit and go on their reaction, throw a few flirty comments and if they flirt back...defo approach them

  2. I would suck there ***** and decide from there.

  3. If you are at the bottom of the pulling league, don't despair. There is always the cup.

  4. You can talk to each other endlessly, for hours; without boring each other. Not talking at them / lecturing them. I like the coloured stickers idea.

  5. by how confident u are

  6. Every person is unique. Whether someone is interested in you or not, does not depend on leagues. Taste differs and not everybody is after the same thing. If you are confident and friendly you are approachable. If you get snubbed for not being in someone's league, they did you a favour as they are really not worth befriending. If you are snubbing someone for not being in your league, you are suffering from delusions of grandeur. Get over yourself already!! What have you done to make the world a better place for all? Nothing? I rest my case.

  7. my dad says the commissioner would tell you if you couldnt go to someone because they play in a different league like the canada league.

    stickers are nice

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