
How do you know if you are registered to vote?

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When I got my license when I turned 18, the lady asked if I wanted to register to vote. I said yes, but she said nothing else about it and didn't give me anything. How can I figure out if I'm registered? If I am registered and re-register, would that be bad? I live in Georgia, I don't know if that makes any difference.




  1. THANK YOU! Finally, I found someone of intelligence and indicated what state they live in. Go in person to your County Registrar of Voters and bring your ID. They'll be able to look you and see if you're registered.

  2. If you had been registered, you would have received your voter registration card. Here's the form to fill out and mail in:

  3. Check with your local election authority.

    Under the Motor Voter Act, the person at the DMV should have checked a box on the computer screen indicating that your information was supposed to be forwarded to your local election authority.  Since systems sometimes fail or people hit the wrong key, this only means that you should be registered, not that you are registered.  The only way to know for sure if the information went through is to have someone at your election authority check the official roll to make sure your name is on there with the correct address.  

    In most states, your local election authority will send out a voter's card soon after you register, but again there is no guarantee of this being done in a timely manner.  So if you want to make sure you are registered before the next election (either local elections this November or the presidential primaries this winter), you need to check.

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