
How do you know if you have a UTI?

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I'm a 16 year old guy and I have to pee semi-often. What are common symptoms? I saw george lopez were max got it. I mean, i don't wet the bed, but i do pee quite often. no cramping or fevers appear.




  1. They are quite painful.

    When you pee it will hurt like h**l. And you will pee often, like every half hour or 15 mins.  

  2. The pain is usually worse at the very end of the stream, then you will still feel like you have to go...sometime only a little drip will come out and the pain is worse. It needs to be treated with antibiotics, you should go to Urgent Care for a test. It could be something else but an untreated UTI can damage your the pain only gets worse if you wait. Drink a lot of water and or cranberry juice and if you are really suffering there are some products at the pharmacy that help with the pain AZO and Uristat, if you have an all night pharmacy around. These product relieve the pain but turn your urine orange and they do not cure the infection.

  3. My dad says that it burns when you pee. And it is real painful.

  4. Your erect p***s will turn purple and vibrate rapidly, emitting ultrasound waves that will render you highly sexually attractive to most species of bears.

    I hope for your sake that you don't live near any woods.

  5. Just like the other answers said, you would know because it would burn and hurt like h**l when you take p*$$.  UTIs are infections caused by the E coli bacteria.  The most common symptoms are:

    •painful, burning urination

    •dark foul smelling urine

    •feeling like you have to go a lot every 15 minutes, but you only pee out very little.

    •low grade fever

    •lower groin pain and cramping

    You are more likely to get a UTI if:

    •you're a woman, because the v****a, a**s, and urinary tract are closer together, and if they don't wipe properly (from front to back), bacteria from the a**s and v****a can get pushed into the bladder.

    •you have intercourse with someone that has an infection

    •you don't drink enough water in your diet

    •you have had UTIs in the past

    •you're diabetic

    •you have a weak immune system

    •you don't clean down there well enough

    •you're pregnant

    •you're paralyzed and have to use a catheter

    If these don't apply to you, then you should be fine.  The best way to prevent a UTI is to drink plenty of water and wash down there thoroughly.

  6. Typically, if it doesn't hurt to pee and you have no discharge of any sort, then you won't have a UTI. Just peeing semi-often is not very specific at all.

  7. Frequency doesn't indicate UTI - painful or burning urination is more indicative, odor....pretty easy urine test and short term antibiotics...but it is much less likely for a male to get a UTI because of the length of the male urethra which is nearly twice as long as a females. Takes a lot for germs to crawl all the way up the urethra - plus males don't have much opportunity to wipe in a way that might introduce fecal matter into the urethra, which is the cause of most UTI's in females. If you truly think that you have a UTI just go get it checked out by the doctor - drink lots of water and get some cranberry juice - this will not cure a UTI but it will keep your pH of your urine in check while you go get some ABX (antibotics). Hope that helps!

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