
How do you know if you have a big nose?

by Guest65805  |  earlier

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Am feeling depressed about mine think it looks very big today just want to go back to sleep.How do you know for certain if it is?




  1. it should be obvious, if it isn't you most likely don't.

    Don't worry about it =)

  2. awwwww your noze is what makes you special i mean look at gonzo he got a big hooter and he is famous its normal dont worry about it

    have a big cuddle from me and go back to bed :) x*x

  3. ask a plastic surgeon to measure it they actually have a set of demensions that they think is the best optimum size and shape of face and facial parts but some folkes are beautiful because they arent symetrical like clark gable or angelina jolie  or pee wee herman  

  4. Don't even worry.. Little stuff like this are things you have to look past,everyone in this world has at least one thing that bothers them about themselves and i mean (everyone) no matter how much a person denies it ..Its perfectly normal,don't waste time stressing about it


  5. Look into a mirror/reflector and then  you can see for yourself if your nose is big. Even if its big and you don't like it you should not feel depressed because " sometimes what you don't like about yourself is what others like about you".

  6. Walk down a narrow alleyway sideways and if your nose scrapes against the wall then you have a big nose.

    Simple test really, it works everytime. Let me know how you get on.

    That's how I determined whether I had a big nose or not 15 years ago.  

  7. When other people point it out to you, i wouldn't trust my own views which will be biased.

  8. If you have a big nose some kind person would have pointed it out to you, at some time during your school years.

  9. If it's bigger than your face. Otherwise, you shouldn't be worried. Don't be a Dove, people perceive beauty in many different ways. In this case, you have been tricked by society to what beautiful is. People think their body parts need to be perfect to look attractive like in magazines. But, in reality that's not how the world is, no one has perfect body parts we all have flaws. We don't get to choose what we look like, we're born with what we got.

    You can't buy a secret potion to make you beautiful but you can always make your personality 10x better than person who looks better than you do. But personally I prefer a better personality over good looks, when you're living as old farts together, beauty fades, personality doesn't. Most women who are considered beautiful don't age too well, their cheeks start to get boney and you can almost see their skeletal structure. Kind of scary.

    But anyways, good luck with your nose. Getting it fixed with plastic surgery isn't going to help you either (except it the case of it might help your confidence if that's what you really need in your life). Your genes you pass onto your children will give them the same nose too. It's just something about life you can't ever change until...well until they let you play god with gene splicing.

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