
How do you know if you have a low self esteem?

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i always thought i was very confident...

but im not? how can i know?

do people with low self esteem know that they have a low self esteem?

do insecure people know that they are insecure?

thanks in advance




  1. if someone says something to you like 'you are complete fool' and you believe you are a fool then, you believe you cant do anything.

  2. HI there, I have a website that deals with this, you might find it useful, there are some good links there too.

    Good luck, I hope you find what you are looking for.

  3. Please read the Articles on as I am certain that they will Help you in knowing yourself better. Please post your Reviews and Feedback. Thanks

  4. Self-confidence and self-esteem are two separate things. Confidence is your belief in your ability to do something, or be capable of something. Self-esteem is how much you like yourself, basically. You can have one without the other.

    Having low self-esteem is more problematic, i think. But it can be a very sobering experience, to struggle to find things that you really like about yourself. In the long-term though it's a miserable feeling.

    Anyway. I think you need to work out if you have low self-esteem, or low confidence or both. And then work on improving it. I wouldn't have any clue on how to improve it though as I have the same prob myself :/

    oh and yes...if you someone thinks they are insecure then they probably are.

  5. yes. i am insecure and i know it :(

  6. "Self-esteem" has to do with feelings of self-worth, not confidence.

    I have known many people, in therapy, who entered with a feeling of being less than worthwhile, not being worth much, etc. Upon discussion, what they meant by "worth" was usually "to other people" (such as their partner their children, society, etc.).

    Lack of self-confidence, self-worth/self-esteem, self-ability, etc., is usually a form of inferiority feelings. There are many ways to feel inferior, many reasons, many purposes! (Yes, there can be purposes to feeling inferior!)

    Most people take the common definition of "inferiority complex" as if it is a bad thing to be or have. However, the man who gave the concept of psychology (Dr. Alfred Adler) came to see it as something we all have to some extent, something that serves to motivate us to improve ourselves through "striving for superiority"

    So if you believe you have "low self-esteem" you can wallow in self-pity(some people do just that!) OR you can work to overcome it by learning what you're good at and being proud of the things that make you worthwhile in life and valuable to other people.

    Best wishes with this... - - Dr. Bob, Adlerian Psychologist

  7. Any time You think You cant make something or something will be problem its low esteem sign. If it does happen often [few times a day] it means You are low. If like once a month, then its normal - everybody has bad days.

  8. Your worried about your ability to add up, but you are unsure you say, well if you were sure before, and are not now, it means that something has challenged your confidence.

    You'll be fine indefinitely, but you need to realize what it is before you can really ask.

    You would know if you were insecure.

  9. you hav low self esteem if you cant stand up for yourself when your being bothered by someone else, you have low self esteem if you hesitate to talk to certain people, you're insecure if you are overly concerned about some part of your personality/appearance

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