
How do you know if you have bipolar with out going to a docotor

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I have a freind that thinks she might have bipolar. & some mental problems. She has signed yp at the health deparment but can't get appointment. has no insurance & very little money coming in. NEED HELP FAST PLEASE




  1. take them to the hospital If you don't have insurance the government pays for the hospital bill. My cousin was hospitalized for a long time and he had no insurance.


    Theres too much explaining from word of mouth with this one just go to the site and it'll explain it more in depth. The "Bipolar for idiots" definition I guess would be something like: a disorder in which one's moods variate from one extreme to another within certain circumstances or randomness and can lead that person to be very depressed one second, to euphoric and happy the next, to angry and aggressive another. Its very serious among adolescent ages.

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