
How do you know if you love her/him?? ?

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Enough for marriage?




  1. Your not ready,  sorry but when it is right......It is so right you would not even ask the question.

  2. well please be careful i thought i didn't love my husband then after a few sessions at counseling, and alot of talking to him, and a lot of thinking time i decided and told my husband that i didnt love him, i thought it was the truth, then as my baby got older over a few months, and a few months of missing the married side we gave it another go and we are happier now than before all this.  Its the honesty and ability to talk without holding back that saved us.  I would hate any one to loose the perfect person instead of trying hard to fix it.  

  3. Picture your life with that person. (If you can) Can you see pass the wedding? A life with conflicting schedules, hectic days, not so happy times, empty nest syndrome, being old together? If you do, are you happy with the picture? Would you give your everything for this person and would they give theirs to you with no expectation of anything in return?

    It takes more than "love" to get married. It takes hard work, dedication and determination and the willingness to give it all.

    Good luck

  4. you love everything about him even the things that annoy you you love all the things you have in common and the things you don't agree on as well

  5. Your willing to do anything for them no matter how stupid or crazy it is. You feel content and happy with them. Without  them you feel you would just fall apart ... ect ...

    -- HELP ?!;...

  6. When you stop doing this question.

  7. You feel electric on your chest and start to breath quickly - Love

    If you see that he or she has a feeling of reponsibility,thrust,honesty,respect,int... means that he or she is avaliable for marriage...If one of them missing I means that marriage has short expiry...

  8. I think you'll just kinda know, you'll want to be with them forever and no matter what happens just work things through and all sorts of stuff like that, positively know you'll take a bullet for them (hopefully you'll never have too...)you know stuff like that, but it could be different for everyone, you know? Like what I think is ready may not be enough for you, though I do think that people will have generally the same Idea.

    So I don't really think this is a question you can ask us at Y!A, this is one of those things where you have to find it for yourself...and also keep in mind (because people only seem to stay married for five years these days) that marriage really has to be something were you really are sure you could live with this person for the rest of your lives...because that's how long marriage is supposed to last, whether you both live to the 39th anniversary or the 60th

  9. if you love him or her then you shouldnt be asking this question. if you love him/her than you shouldnt have to ask yourself if you love him/her. it should just be a natural thing. and if you can have everything you have ever wanted in this person. and everything you have ever wanted in a person that you love. if they have it then you can love them. if you feel that you can live with them for the rest of your life, die with them and be satisfied and never want anything more in a man or woman. if you can trust  them with anything. just anything that would pop into your head they are the first thing you think about. i hope this helps im sorry if it doesnt i was just trying to give you examples! :)

    please help me!;...

  10. If you're having second thoughts....

    Roll again.

    If you would (in a rational state of mind) die for your partner, then we're getting somewhere.

  11. there will be a feeling you cant explain and if you secound guess yourself or think too much about it you probly arnt IN LOVE

  12. If you would feel confident about yourself if you were standing in the same room ,with him/her, with the lights on ... without any clothes on.

    If not then move on cause you can't change what that feeling is.

  13. Would you do absolutely anything for him? Do you trust that he'll do absolutely anything for you? If so, congratulations, you're getting married :)

  14. youll maybe feel it.

    if you feel warmth and ease and comfort and just all things that be blissful and beautiful, then i guess thats a strong sign

  15. This is an interesting question because it's so simple but so complex at the same time.

    If you are referring to love as those butterfly feelings you usually have when you first start dating, then there will never be enough of those feelings to get you to the altar because those types of feelings don't last.  It doesn't matter who you're with, they just don't last.

    Now, you don't have to love someone "enough" for marriage.  A couple things need to have happened before you can even think of marrying someone.

    1) You need to know what you are looking for in a spouse.  If so, does the person you're with fit the bill (and this is totally subjective)?  If they don't you may need to move on. Yes, that means break off the relationship completely if marriage is what you're looking for.  

    Chances are, if they don't fit the bill in the beginning they never will.  So, dating them longer isn't going to change anything. What may happen though is that you grow more attached to this person and end up dating them long term (or marrying) them when they never were what you were looking for in a spouse.  The sooner you end a relationship with Mr. or Ms. Wrong the better!

    2) You've got to be ready for marriage yourself.  If you have not even considered marriage before and you're with someone who has, they may be the catch of the century but you two are not on the same page. So, you can't love someone enough to want to marry them. In this case, you are Mr. or Ms. Wrong and should be getting the boot.  If this is you, the decent thing to do would be to admit you're not on that page and end the relationship yourself!

    Again, love in the mushy sense won't get you to the altar or sustain a marriage.  I love my husband dearly, but it's my commitment to our vows and what I have invested in our relationship that keeps me commited to him because quite frankly, sometimes he gets on my d**n nerves.  And when he's on my nerves, I don't have any mushy, lovey-dovey feelings for him at all. I choose to love him everyday regardless.  It's a willful thing and not an emotional thing that is out of your control.

    Gosh, I hope this helps.

    Take care!

  16. I do agree that if you have to ask your question you should think twice about marriage. Only you know what your heart wants so just follow it and you will see what you really want.  

  17. well... if you can spend the rest of your life with him and only him, then you are good

  18. If you have to ask this question, you don't.

  19. u feal like u wont to spend the rest of your life with them and also if u dont know if u love them u probley dont

  20. if you have to ask then maybe you dont know, especially on a website haha ask people who are married that you personally know are happily married.  

  21. if you are able to imagine yourself in the evening sitting in the garden and watching your kids along with him/her, you know that this is the right person for you.

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