
How do you know if you love yourself?

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I am in a relationship & my parnter is overseas. I think this will test if i love myself truely. how do i find out?




  1. You know theres the old saying "If you're not happy by yourself, you will never be happy with anybody else"!

      That or theres the other test - "If you love yourself you don't judge yourself"!

      Having said those two things - nobody' perfect, but we cana improve every moment to be better and better!

  2. Good advice, Vernon, but I would like to add something to what you just said, because, as the saying goes: "You cannot really love someone else until you love yourself."

    I do not know if you've seen the Wizard of Oz or not, but a line from that movie is: "A heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others."  That's some good advice, too.  You can do all the "self-reflecting" you want about whether or not you love yourself, but the true test of whether or not you do can be seen in other people.  Do you have lots of friends?  Are people genuinely happy to see you?  Or do you get the feeling that they would be just as happy if you were not there?

    When there is a party, or other social gathering, are you on the invite list?

    If you "love yourself," then other people - not just your overseas partner - will love being with you.  And if you have that circle of people around you, you can be sure that you also love your overseas partner if you are then never even really TEMPTED to stray from him.

    All the best to you!

  3. Do you hate yourself? If not then do you appreciate yourself, and do you do things to keep you happy?Are you true to your absent partner?It is not necessary to feel love for yourself, it is not like there will be great heart pounding responses when you think of you, so, if you don't hate yourself, then focus on your missing partner, and the love will flow.

  4. i think then every body love him self more than anything in the world , but if  i want to know if i love my self more than anything El's i look in my heart  

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