
How do you know if you might be physic?

by  |  earlier

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Hehehehe, spelled it wrong, thank you...




  1. Frankly I do not believe anyone is psychic.  I do believe that based on our past experiences we are aware of things others aren't.  I love to point people to the famouse Jamacan psychic (now I forgot her name, dagnabit), Oh yeah Chloe I think, that was raided by the IRS, charged and convicted for tax evasion.  Anyone with the simplest ability of a psychic would have seen that coming.  In fact, anyone with the simplest business sense would have seen that coming.

      To prove my point - I challenge any psychic or card reader or ball gazer to bring forth ANY information about me that is not in public records anywhere, not known to any friends or family or people that have ever met me AND not a generalization that any Psychology course or anything similar may teach.  And yes there are things about me that, believe it or not, only I know.  I will sit with any of them.  The one provision is that I will answer no questions asked and they are not allowed to ask questions.  If they receive information from some otherworldly source and they deem it significant enough to mention it should be on the mark.  Dead on the mark too.

      So, my answer to you is this - no one is psychic in any sense of that word.  One can psych someone into believing it by giving them information they garner from the types of questions they ask and your answers to them but even those are hit and miss.  Trust your own instincts.  You may know something good or bad is going to happen but you cannot be absolutely, pin point accurate as to what and when.  Those that claim such abilities will almost always tell you that what they get is somewhat foggy or unclear BUT what they are sure of always seems to coincide with some answer you gave them to some general question they asked.  Walk in sit down tell them to do what they do best then shut the heck up.  Don't open your mouth for anything and see what they tell you.  I guarentee it will be that if you don't talk to them they cannot help you.  BET?

  2. If you have to ask... what might that tell you?

  3. There is a strong correlation between inability to spell and believe in psychics.

    So I imagine that you are a very strong believer.


  4. Don't worry, you aren't psychic. Nobody is, as far as we know. Nobody has ever demonstrated any such powers, nor are such powers predicted by what we know of the biology of human mind. Psychic powers are really just imaginary, mostly consisting of wishfulness with a dash of self-deception thrown in,  mixed together with a dollop of the power of suggestion.

    If you really are psychic, you'd be the very first.

  5. If you can see apples falling from trees and understand that gravity pulls on all objects, even the moon, then you're physic.

    Of course if you can just see into the future or see ghosts or something, then your psychic.  Not the same thing.

  6. There is a book you can find at "You are psychic.." by Pete A. Sanders; it is fairly inexpensive and gives a scientific explination of how such things work.

    If I've said it once I'll say it a thousand times more; you will NOT be able to predict the lottery people need to shove in their favorite spot.

  7. Well, do you know what I think you think I think?

  8. Have a friend shuffle some playing cards and face down lay 10 of them on the table.

    One by one guess the value of each card (dont worry about suit) then turn it over. Focus, use your abilities.

    Keep score.

    If you got less than two correct, then you arent psychic.

    If you got 3-5 that is pretty good, but still on the verge of luck.

    if you got more than 5 then you probably are.

    You should repeat this test a few times. If you are this good, you should go for the Randi million dollar challenge

  9. there are psychic tests designed to measure your degree of psychic abilities or to be used as tools to develop your psychic talents.there are a couple  of links in the source bar,

  10.  they have all sorts of tests. try it out.

    try to copy this link

    have fun

  11. you'd know instinctly

  12. do you mean psychic?

  13. what is my answer going to be if you get it right i will let you know

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