
How do you know if your child has asburgess syndrome is it related with adhd ?

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my 8year old son is currently being diagnosed for ADHD , his school think he has more problems than ADHD alone and beleive he shows signs of having Asburgess Syndrome aswell . I have tried to find out as much as I can using the net , but am no clearer to finding out if ADHD and Asburgess Syndrome can run side by side . Life at my sons new school is proving very difficult for him and after eight weeks of attending he has already been excluded for a day . The school feel that he is a danger to other pupils aswell as himself, this is new behaviour from him and the school think that because he is taking the change very badly , that this could be due to asburgess syndrome . im in two minds to take him out of this enviroment immediatly and return him to his old school . I do believe, and have been told by the staff at his new school, that the other children have found my son very easy to wind up and so do so to make him aggresive, as he finds it exremly difficult to control his behavoiur,




  1. Do you mean Asperger's Syndrome?  It is a mild form of autism.  Google Asperger's syndrome and you will find a ton of info.  Make an appointment with a pediatric neurologist for an evaluation. good luck.

  2. The current thinking on ADHD is that it is all part of the autistic spectrum so it is probable that your son does have ADHD and asperger syndrome as well. I work with many children WHO were at first diagnosed with ADHD and are now getting the diagnosis of ASD. Ask the educational psychologist or the SENCO at your sons school for a common assessment. This should make them look again at your sons behaviour, also be sure to tell them how you feel. Contrary to other answers on here asperger syndrome is not a mild form of autism it is a more able form. I have a child who was initially diagnosed as having oppositional defiance disorder but recently this has changed to asperger syndrome and pathological demand avoidance. You need to get your son the proper diagnosis so he can receive the correct support that he needs. It will probably take you a lot of time and effort to get your son the correct diagnosis but, don't give up and don't ever take no for an answer. I wish you good luck.

  3. The spelling is aspergers or asperger syndrome which should make it easier for you to begin a search.

  4. i Have copied and pasted this :

    Asperger syndrome comes not only with its own characteristics (Box 1), but also with a wide variety of comorbid conditions such as depression, anxiety, obsessive–compulsive disorder, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and alcoholism, and relationship difficulties (including family/marital problems) (Tantam, 2003). It may predispose individuals to commit offences and can affect their mental capacity and level of responsibility as well as their ability to bear witness or to be tried. The syndrome can colour psychiatric disorder, affecting both presentation and management, for children and adults across a wide range of functional ability. Families have taken an active legalistic approach, alleging misdiagnosis and mistreatment and demanding clarity as to the relationship between Asperger syndrome and other diagnostic concepts.

  5. my son as autistic spectrum disorde and bi plar adhd is one of the disorders of asd. they can run side by side.your son as got the same problems as my son had he is 21 now and he was failed by education department. asburgers mean he is at the top end of the spectrum and he is good at lots of things please take him to a therapist who can give you the right answers and please dont be ashamed if your son as asburgers it doesnt make him any different, but he will need lots of support and good luck hope you get your answers

  6. My brother has Asperger syndrome and he reads a LOT, really likes his presonal space and he needs more time for school work. He is also extremely stubborn. If there is an assignment that he does not want to do, he will not or will but do only the very minimun. if its something thats interested in, like lego for example, he can remember hundreds of details and would spend hours on it non stop. Living with him is never boring. My mom wanted to know if what he had was Asperger Syndrome, so she got "the oasis guide to Asperger Syndrome" written by Patricia Romanowski Bashe, M.S. Ed. and Barbara L. Kirby. they have a website too. hope this helps you.

  7. Aspergers and ADHD can run together. I would have some evaluations done and an IEP or at least a 504 put into place until an IEP gets approved.This will help him cope with transition to the new school and set up a behavioral plan for him until he can get an IEP in place.

  8. You need to get him assessed . .go to your GP and ask for him to be assessed ..

    speak to the school and see if their senco will observe his behaviours

    If they feel something is wrong they should start the educational statementing process and involve the education psychologist

    Be prepared you are not going to get a diagnois overnight .. this is the long haul i am afraid

  9. Certainly ADHD and Asburger's can coexist.

    If the school is having questions about Asperger's, then request that your son be evaluated by the school district's autism specialist. Asperger's is on the autism spectrum but differs very significantly. You should be given an Asperger's rating scale to determine if there is a problem with this issue. If you are not given one, ask for one.

    Children with autism cannot communicate normally. Asperger's children have no problem with communicating, but the content of the communication is off. They don't understand anything about socialization and frequently get in trouble for those reasons.

    Another issue for Asperger's children is that they do have sensory issues, especially in noisy places and are highly distractible in these kinds of environments, which reminds you of ADHD.

    Another aspect of Asperger's is having extreme difficulty in a change of routine or environments. Your idea about returning him to his other school has merit. There may also be a teacher problem. I would defintiely observe the class to see if he or she triggers the misbehavior.

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