
How do you know if your child is not enjoying daycare?

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My daughter loves her daycare center now but she used to go to this other one (a home daycare) and she used to cry when I had to drop her off...which broke my heart.

What are some other signs?




  1. I had my son in a daycare that he was completely miserable at for 3 very long weeks.  By the end of the three weeks he was screaming, "NO" when we would take him in, he wouldn't cuddle with me anymore, he wasn't sleeping throughout the night.  There was a lot of signs there and I wish that I had taken him out sooner.

  2. Being eager to leave when you pick her up is perhaps the biggest sign since many children cry when their parents drop them off, but few are eager to leave all the toys and friends at daycare when they get over you leaving.

    If the child is old enough to speak, many will be blunt and to the point if they don't like it.

  3. I've been a day care provider for 20 years ,so I've seen everything .When they're infants it is usually easier for everybody ,the child ,the parents and the provider . When they are 2 or older is harder if they have never been in day care before . In my day care I only care for 6 to 8 children ,from 0 to 5 years old . The children I have right now they are all very happy to be here ,but also excited when the parents come over to pick them up ,although many times they actually still want to stay and play .You always need to listen to your daughter and make sure you have an open communication with the provider .Don't hesitate and grab that phone and call and ask any questions you might have .This is your most precious little gift in your life . Good luck .

  4. If she's not old enough to talk, I think crying at the door when you're dropping her off is a strong enough indicator....

  5. if she likes it she'll be happy to go when you drop her off, or rather impatient. if she hates it she'll prob take forever getting out of the car. if u ask her about it and she doesn't want to talk about it then she prob doesn't like it. but if she's eager to tell u everything that happend then she prob. loves it!

  6. My five year old just got kicked out of his daycare. I explained that he would not be able to go back because of his bad behavior and he said YAH!! So I think it was a plot all along so that he would not have to go back. I asked him why he did not want to go and he said the teachers were mean to him even when he was good. He went to a home daycare also for a little while and another daycare before that closed down. He loved that one and I think it was because they had structure and projects and were actually learning something. Maybe that is why she likes her new one better because they keep her more occupied.

  7. Crying before going is not a good indication.  My son loved daycare, but every morning I had to carry him out of the house kicking and screaming.

    Good indications is that the child says that the caretaker is bad, that he/she wants you (the mother) to take a day off so that they don't have to go to daycare.

    You should really start talking to your child and ask questions:

    What was the funnest thing you did in daycare?

    What is your favorite snack in daycare?

    Does the teacher look you in the eyes when she talks to you?

    What is your favorite game?

    Questions about what they have done, ate, etc will lead you to more open responses than ones that ask do you like (daycare's name).

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