
How do you know if your contacts are inside out?

by  |  earlier

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I always don't know if they're on the right side when I put them on. Thn my eyes starts to hurt and then I find out. Can anyone help, please? I dont understand the whole curve out or in thing (they look the same to me).




  1. you can lay it on your finger and gently try touch the edges. If the contact lens curls up easily, it's right side out. But if the contact lies flatter and doesnt curl, it's inside out.

  2. I dont wear contacts but I guess you can only find out when it starts to hurt... sorry :(

    Please help:;...

  3. A lot of contacts will have a symbol, letter, or number on them for you to read which side is the right side and which is the wrong side.  See if yours have this on them...if not, call your eye doctor and see if they can switch you to some that can.  It makes it fool proof.  :)

  4. OMG!  I thought you meant Yahoo contacts!  I was like, Huh?  LOL!  Sorry dear, I wear glasses so I don't know about contacts (for the eyes.)

  5. Well for one they will feel irratated, but another way is to take them out and look at the brim of the contact it should not be facing outward

  6. When you hold it on your finger If it looks like a bowl then its good.. If it looks like a bowl and has like a little tiny bit rolled over then its inside out.. You will also defenitly be able to feel it if its inside out.

    Happens to me all the time

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