
How do you know if your goldfish is dying?

by  |  earlier

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My fish always seems to stay in one corner.

I got him a year ago.

He used to be the most hyper fish EVER.

seriously.. he was insane.

And also, his back fin seems to be drooping.




  1. Changing the water could possibly stress the fish more than anything.

    Check the pH of the water.

    Sometimes putting a live plant in with a fish cleans the water out more.

    If you have a filter in the tank, it may need to be cleaned.

    Check for any white spots or degeneration of any part of his body, particularly his fins. This is a sign of 'ick', which requires water treatments and medicine for your buddy.

    If his eyes look glazed over, he's probably dead.

    When's the funeral? I'll send you ten cents for the next one.

  2. He may be ill, or dying. But he could just be getting old. Since he is a year old, isn't that like 75 in human years? I really don't know, but he may be sick.  But don't take my word for it.  Me and my friend have no idea what we are talking about.

  3. ok just throw a cigerete box in the fish tank if he doesnt move hes either dead or hes trying to smoke!! or throw him/her on the grill if he/she doesnt start flopping around it is dead and u get to have fish for supper!!!

  4. The Fish is stopping to breath xD

  5. Spend a sh*t load of money and take him to a vet. His life is worth more than the $0.99 you bought him for right?

  6. if he isn't that active anymore and floats at the top alot, especially if he floats on his side...

    you should probably look up whats wrong with him or take him to a vet (if you can take a fish to a vet lol).

    you should probably try to change his water because the water he is living in could be dirty or have some kind of disease in it.

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