
How do you know if your guinea pig is pregnat??

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I have two guinea pigs, and i was told by the pet store lady that they were both males, but lately i've been noticing changes in one of them and i was wondering if maybe he was a she.. cuz he/she felt way to fat and has been kindof grouchy and not as active as he/she used to be?? how do i tell for sure if he is realy a she and if he/she is pregnat?!? if anyone nows plz answer!!





  1. in the second week of pregnancy she may start drinking a lot more water. the third week the stomach will be tighter and more firm and she will be eating more and gaining weight. by week five it's obvious she's pregnant.  by week seven you can feel the babies kicking. by week ten the babies will be born if she is pregnant

  2. First of all, you should s*x them to figure out for sure they are both males. Pet stores often sell off guinea pigs of the incorrect gender, and couldn't care less.

    Go here for information on sexing:

    If one of them IS a female, separate them immediately in case she isn't pregnant. If she is pregnant, you'll need to handle her less and make sure she gets a lot of Vitamin C. Do not ever put them back together if they are opposite genders unless you get your male neutered! Sometimes one male might just gain more weight than the other, and often one is going to be more often than the other. It could just be coincidence, but you should check their genders in case.

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