
How do you know if your partner will..??

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I heard that once you cheat ...always a cheat. But how doe's one know? I mean do you really have to go through life looking to see if he has been cheating ? I know I should not have stayed..but I did.




  1. "Once a cheat, always a cheat."

    This is not always the case.  I am proof of this.  I've cheated on boyfriends in the past.  This was all by age 20.  Here we are, 13 years later and I refuse to cheat.  I look at relationships differently than I did back then.  I believe in open, honest communication, even if I might be hurt by something my partner reveals to me.  Cheating is now the deal breaker for me.

    I can tell you that you can't live your life in fear that someone will cheat on you otherwise you'll always be paranoid of your partner and constantly snoop to make sure you know what he's doing.  With this fear, you'll never be able to have a successful relationship as you'll be proactive in destroying it, probably long before a partner gets the idea to cheat.

  2.   Where is your self confidence

  3. if a guy cheated on me i wld put my foot down...i am not a doormat nd i think that every girl nd guy shld make that clear.........if he cheated on u before nd it was genuinly a mistake nd he is sorry then i wld giv it a go...but if after that u are always questioning if he has cheated thn there is not point in the is the base of allllll relationships nd if you cldnt trust him to sit in a room full of naked girls alone with out him doin ne thin then it wnt work...u cnt live ur life wondering if he is faithful or not.....its a hard one becoz if u love smeone ythen ull always forgove them but jus make sure u havnt got doormat written right across ur forehead x..good luck x

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