
How do you know if your relationships going to last?

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Why does noone stay together forever like they used to, my parents have been married 31 years and together 37. But these days everyone alays seems to split up

The reason i'm asking is a guy i know just walked out onh is pregnant waife, 2 years after they met and 3months after they got married and my mum just rang to tell me that after 3 1/2 years together and after trying for a baby for 8months my sister and her boyfriend may be splitting after my sisters come to the conclusion that she no longer feels for her boyfriend anymore, theyre in the middle of renovating their whole house and they seemed so loved up and excited by their new beginning.

She and he both thought theyd found their perfect match.

How can you know if its going to last? do yu just take each day as it coems and it works...i just dont get it

Im with the most amazing guy ever and i cant magine life without him, but it scares me that in a few years time this might happen too. I cant see it will...but how can i be so sure?!!




  1. ~You can never be sure as if a relationship is going to work out or not. Every relationship is different, and one may have a different reason to split up than another couple does. I say, live in the moment. If you try to plan ahead in the relationship and try so much to picture what the future may hold for you and your loved one, chances are you wont last. Think about loving each other right now, and deal with other issues that you feel may bring a negative vibe in your relationship later on~

  2. you dont being married is a hard commitment but as long ans each person loves and respects the other and they know how to talk to each other dont cheat or hurt the other on purpose the marriage will last. be respectful of each others feelings.  

  3. I think these days people are just too weak to deal with the tough times together.  I am only 26, got married at 22 and been with my husband for nearly 8 years now and boy have we had some HORRIBLE trying times, but if you both want the relationship to work, if you know its worth it then you both will make it work.

    I think people today find it too easy to walk away, because they want an easy ride rather than sticking through the hard times waiting for the good times to arrive.

  4. For some it works for others it doesent... you can fall in love and never imagine you life without a person but sometimes the feeling fades and thats part of life:( just think that if you lose a guy its one step closer to meeting the right one x*x

  5. Honestly, you can probably never know with 100% certainty that your relationship will last.  People don't know if and how they will grow and change as a person many years down the road and whether or not their significant other will grow in the same direction or if they will grow apart.  If there was any real way of knowing people wouldn't be getting divorced because they wouldn't get married in the first place.  Sometimes there are obvious red flags but in most cases, you hope for the best.  Probably the best way to make the relationship last is to not have unreasonable expectations of the relationship, make sure each person grows as an individual so they can be happy in their family life without feeling trapped or stifled, and resolve to work on differences before throwing in the towel.  And communication.  You need to be open about your feelings.  If something is bothering you, it's best to work it out early on before you start to resent the other person or the situation.

  6. I think it all depends on how stubborn you are.  Marriage isn't for quitters, the notion of living with someone for the rest of your life isn't really in most people's nature and the people who aren't willing to put up with some serious unhappiness will never make a marriage last.  

  7. It's hard to know what the future holds for you or anyone.  If you truly love who your with move on with your life with him.  You will never know if you don't try.  If down the road your feelings change it will hurt you and your partner but you can't think that far in advance and possible miss an opportunity with someone that you love and may have a life long relationship with.  it's scary but you don't want to regret never trying.

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