
How do you know if your v****a in abnormal?

by  |  earlier

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Like, my brother looks at p**n, so when I go in the history, i look at it accidentally sometimes, but then it makes me think mine has something wrong with it. I'm a virgin and everything, so do guys think it's weird if your v****a ISN'T normal? Don't give me stupid perverted answers either.




  1. Every female has questions about some part of their body and yes even their v****a.  My question is: who defines what is normal?  What is normal for one person may not be normal for someone else.  The pictures etc. that you are seeing are edited and cropped and everything for the"ideal" picture...of course that "ideal" is generally from a male perspective.  Believe me most males don't care what a v****a looks like, they are just glad they are in a position to see it.  All of us are unique and we should love our differences.  Wouldn't the world be boring if we were all exactly alike?

  2. all those p**n sites have editing things where they use makeup etc. to make the vaginas end up looking completley different, air brushing etc. trust me, those aren't real!

  3. What you could do is take a pic of it and send it to me. I would be glad to scan it thru my vaginometer , looking for irregularities and anomalies. I could email the results back to you. I work for the F.B.V. (federal bureau of vaginas). Please include the precise reason you think there is something wrong with your v****a. Perhaps the thing that distinguishes p**n vaginas from your v****a is the fact that they tend to have erect penises in them. I AM ONLY MAKING LIGHT OF YOUR QUESTION. DO NOT SEND ANY PICTURES OF YOUR CLAM.

  4. Don't worry if your v****a seems abnormal as long as your other one is fine

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