
How do you know ?????

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What is the best way you can tell if your being Hustled




  1. If you can tell then they just ain't doing it right. Not much hustlin' going on around here. This is just small town USA. Everybody knows everybody and their dog so it would be pretty tough to hustle even a few bucks. We do get the occasional out of towner lookin' for an easy mark but not very often. Like i said everybody pretty much knows everybody so when one of these guys comes in flashing his money around and acting like an idiot( the most obvious hustle in the world) a couple quick phone calls are made and before you know it the guy can't get a game at all or he gets one that he regrets. Not really an answer to your question Johnny but I had to run my mouth a little. Later.

  2. mainly if someone comes up to u and offers you a bet for over $20.00 they are a hustler. also if they are playing like **** and they play u and automatically become a pool shark dude u just got hustled.  

  3. As another user said if you can tell than they are not doing the job right. I guess they are signs like if you get up a certain amount and all of a sudden they want to up the bet may be the ultimate tell. Also you may watch them carefully and see how they stroke and chalk their stick. In my hometown I know most if not all the pool players so there is really nobody hiding their skills here

  4. If someone makes a point of telling they're not that good, they might be a hustler.

  5. If you KNOW you're being hustled, there is no hustle.

    Otherwise, it comes down to a big lesson in being the victim of a pool hustler.

    *Once you've learned your lesson and lost your cash to these sharks, and learned some good tips from someone who has been there --only THEN can you know when you're walking into a hustle --or being approached by a hustler:

    Chances are, you're being hustled when a "sweater" finally gets up to play (or any player), and is happy or eager to play you for money, even though he or she can't hit the broad side of a barn (or so it appears) --yet keeps playing and "dogging" shots AND 'ups the bet', as well as upping your confidence.

    A good hustler might grab a house cue at random (it may appear) and will not usually roll it on the table to check its straightness. But you will notice that the cue tip is the best in the house. I can shoot with most any cue, as long as it has a good tip ---or at least a fair tip.

    Once you're on to this charade, or IF you're onto the hustle, it's best to take the money and run, unless you have the skill and confidence to teach this 'actor' and skillful player a good lesson.

    I've been on both sides of this 'game'.

    Knowing who's who, and getting a "heads-up" on a hustler, is a great advantage. Unlike some great hustlers, I'm not a very good actor. I have a tough time "laying down" in a pool game. Some of those guys could win Oscars for their acting skills, while I woudn't even be named as a nominee ....HA!

    Bottom line: Unless you've experienced the agony of defeat by being hustled, you may never REALLY know that you've been hustled......until it's too late. Sometimes, we just have to learn the hard way.

    *Hindsight really IS 20/20 ....isn't it!

  6. If I've never seen them before or have never seen them play I'm usually skeptical when a player comes up and offers me weight right away. I'm never sure though if it's because they're so good or because they've already seen my game.

    Two people coming into a pool room or a bar are almost always suspect to me.

    Sometimes their stick is a give away if they're either trying to use a Sneaky Pete or they just break out a $2,000.00 cue.

    The most prominent tell tale sign for me is just listening to the way they talk about the game or the way they rack the balls.

    That's just my two points worth! I hope all is well with you Johnny. My pool room hasn't taken off yet because a couple of deals fell through. I'll keep you posted though.

  7. I agree with iggiboogirl, she pretty smart. (HeeHee)

  8. Johnny, you dont get hustled. You do the hustling. (HeeHee)

  9. Come on now Johnny with us old guys it's kinda hard to get hustled. I mean we aleady know, or know about; those who can beat us.

    The 2 things I have a harder time with are:

    1 being the unwitting accomplice to a hustle.

    2 being dumped while staking



  10. When they tell you the economy is not in a recession?

    Oh wait, wrong section.  Sorry Johnny :)

  11. If the guy is named Fast something or his first name is an american city like Chicago joe or Memphis Slim. That is a pretty sure sign.

  12. If you beat a guy 3 or 4 times straight, then he wants to do 1 more for money, that's probably a hustle. The bottom line is you never really know for sure, just a feeling. I've played for years hustled a few, and been hustled by a few. It's fun either way.

  13. You can't. If your getting hustled and you know it, doesn't that make you stupid for playing and letting the guy take your money?

    interesting question dude

  14. Although I never could tell for sure I was being hustled.  There is that little gut feeling I'd get..But the chance to make dough overrides my natural tendency to think.  Honestly, I've never ben able to tell if I'm being hustled...Only that I've been hustled.LOL  Sorry i can't help much either.
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