
How do you know something if something is an act of God?

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Background: I'm not religious, but I don't deny God's existence. I see no proof, and none of the three God-based religions provide what I find to be compelling arguments.

I'd like to get insight from Christians, especially the Evangelicals I keep running into here on Yahoo. I understand personal testimony is a big deal for you, and that many describe witnessing acts of God.

I pointed out in the question "Have you ever gotten a sign from God or Jesus?" that I don't know how one tells if something is an act of God or just a coincidence which is then attributed to God.

Does seeing that "heart-shaped cloud" count as a sign of Jesus' love? How about being close to a car accident, or bumping into a priest, causing you not to be intersection? What makes it absurd to think that your toast falling butter-side-up is not an act of God?

Please tell me what you think makes something an act of God, rather than just a combination of a random turn of events and wishful thinking. Quote the bible only if you must (I don't consider it a proper source, given that faith is a precondition to accept it as premise), but misquote it at your peril- I care not for the lazy and ignorant.




  1. This is a legal definition, occurring in many insurance contracts.

    If a catastrophic act or event, occurs that is beyond the power of human influence, as a tsunami, that would be a act of God.

    9/11, being an act of madmen, could not be an act of God.

    All the best!

  2. Hi Monchanger,

    I am responding, because I see you have a level of curiosity about Christianity, but with some resentment of the beliefs held by Christians.  I will start by saying that, all TRUE followers of Jesus Christ will honestly admit that not all doctrinal practices are equally aligned with the Teachings of Jesus Christ. What I find interesting about your inquiry is your desire to eliminate the Bible as a source of reference, because in your view is irrelevant in reality and is only necessary if one chooses to acknowledge it is an authoritative source.

    I will NOT declare myself as one who has all the answers or the perfect answer for this matter, but there are somethings you should consider.

    1. If you choose to NOT acknowledge that God gives signs does not change the fact that God does show signs.

    2.  How do you expect to recognize signs from God when your whole belief is based on the fact that people select to attribute events as signs from God when they weren't?

    3. Also, consider that you receive what you choose. If I want to believe that I don't need Jesus, I will live my life as such. I would also spend as much time finding evidence that support my view. How different is this when done by a Christian.

    4. Most important to note is that God (believe in him or not) is a God that desires personal relationships. If you really seek the truth, then approach God with a sincere and honest conscience. Ask all the questions you desire with openness.

    Why believe God exists, but question the authenticity of the signs He gives to those who believe in Him. Decide this day what you choose to believe. After making that decision you the pursue what you believe.

    Ultimately it comes down to you believing, not what others believe.

    God Bless you.

  3. "Whether or not what we experienced was an According to Hoyle miracle is insignificant. What is significant is that I felt the touch of God. God got involved." (from the movie "Pulp Fiction")

  4. The only way something could be an act of god would be there is no other explanation for it.

    there are no miracles and there is no god!

  5. You take the act and look to the only source of truth for a christians and that is scripture if it is an act of God it will be revealed with faith.

    peace and blessings

  6. sometime you right away sometime you will

    know when in many years when see  how he help

    you avoid traps that other fall into, god can not

    work if you do believe in miracles ,or avoid the

    7 deadly sins look it up, now there 8,


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