
How do you know teenagers don't need a boyfriend or girlfriend now?

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I have seen some answers that say "No, you don't need a boyfriend now" or "You are too young." Nobody knows the life of all these people so making that assumption is wrong. Teenagers do need boyfriends and girlfriends. We are old enough.

How do you know?




  1. Because when you become an adult you have SO MANY YEARS left of having boyfriends or girlfriends or being an adult in general!

    We don't need boyfriends and girlfriends.. I know because I AM A TEENAGER! AND I DON'T NEED A BOYFRIEND NOW.

  2. Really!?!?!? All those wasted years....

  3. I think teenagers should definitely be able to date someone, if that person is right for them. Dating just for the sake of dating can only lead to problems.

    I didn't date much until I was 15, and then my love life really picked up. I wish I had dated more before then, but I was too shy. I feel like I missed out on a lot.

  4. When i was 15 and up i always had a boyfriend. Your gonna do it no matter what right? (i know how teens are) make sure you do it right. I think it all depends on the teen and what kind of realationship.

  5. I actually agree, and you should be allowed to marry at that age, provided you have the responsibility and knowledge on how to be an adult. Otherwise hold off the marriage. But I also think that teens should be using their adolescence to prepare for adulthood, and do away with all the silly cliques and MTV rubbish. The problem with today's teens often is that soccer moms and yuppie dads want to keep their kids "little" as long as possible, then kick them out at age 18, and act shocked when their kid handles the real world like a pet kitten thrown out in the streets. Yes, I think you should be allowed to date as teens, but I also think your parents should be working to make you into men and women, instead of sheltering you forever.

    I know, I'm really old-fashioned in that regard, and I'll probably get a few thumbs down.

  6. i know its they always assume ur too young.

    my bf parents met when they were 14 and they are still together

    so by trying to keep us from dating they're keeping us from making our lives and maybe finding true love...

  7. well im 15 and my gf really changed my life soh lol i mean yah  

  8. i dont think there is a certain age to have a boyfriend. this girl in my school started dating lik when we were in 4th grade ( she is in the same grade as me) but she is the biggest s**t in my school soo yea

  9. Teens needs friends.I think that is important.They do not need boyfriends,girlfriend relationships.They want them.Need is not the same as want.We know because hindsight is 20-20 and regrets last a lifetime.But when you are that young you only live in the moment,and that's as it should be.Getting older you lose so much of the innocence and openness you had when younger.Since a real relationship should last a lifetime,why rush it?Be young while you can it is the only thing you can never get back doesn't matter the age years,its the experience that will change you forever.

  10. Most of those people are crazy religious parents. I don't mean to be rude or offensive, but its true. The atomically assume that if a teenager begins dating,  there going to start having s*x, and you know, pre-marital s*x is a sin. There all so convinced that everyone who isn't perfect and goody-two-shoes, that there going to h**l. They think, that if you don't keep your 15 year old on a two-inch leash they'll destroy there lives.

    Honestly, who cares what they think. If you think your ready to date, and you think your emotionally equipped to handle both the ups AND downs, go ahead. WHO CARES how old you are. You shouldn't live your life according to what a bunch of over protective parents say over Yahoo! answers.

  11. Nobody NEEDS a boyfriend or girlfriend regardless of their age. Its something that you want because as humans we naturally crave companionship. The younger you are the less you "need" a significant other because you should develop a good sense of who you are before trying to mesh that with someone else. I've always had boyfriends and it wasn't til I took a break from dating that I realized who I really was and what I actually wanted in a guy. I'm now 19 and in an amazing relationship that is heading towards us getting engaged. People say I'm too young and don't need to get married and I agree... I do not Need to get married however its what he and I both desire.

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