
How do you know that Barack Obama is going to fulfill all his promises?

by  |  earlier

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I mean sure he has great charisma, a powerful voice, and gives great speeches. But, he never talks about what he's going to do to solve all these problems.




  1. that's easy if you stop this d**n war you can save $300 million a week which amounts to over $1 billion a month.  Then if you stop pissing off other countries you can save by cutting military spending.  Then you can get rid of the incompetent Bureau of Homeland Security. Finally, Tax the oil companies that made record breaking pofits at our expense.

  2. With a Democrat congress, I know one promise he'll keep: Raising everyone's taxes.  Does anyone actually believe the Democrats are going to give anyone a tax cut? Come On!

  3. That's not what concerns me. What concerns me is that McCain might fulfill his promise to continue the failed Bush policies that have destroyed out country. Record deficit, record unemployment. record mortgage for closures, record bank failures, steeply dropping dollar, widening gap in wealth, declining wages, disappearing benefits...what part of that do you like?

  4. Silence! You think too much.

  5. The only promise he;ll fulfill is the one he made to Mr. Right and his anti-american, racist wife of "taking revenge" on white people.

  6. Shhhhhhh, don't ask those questions, the Great Lord Obama never has to explain 'how'....

  7. you never no they say just about any thing to get a vote.

  8. I KNOW that he won't. Except the one about raising taxes...

  9. Just wait and watch, i don't think you listen to him and fox or rush just lie

  10. The opposite is also true. Why should I believe that snide looking McCain.

  11. The problem with Obama is that he doesn't have a proven track record where we can look upon. He has promises, McCain has facts.

    ANY person can make Promises....

  12. I'm sure he has a boondoggle government program to solve are your problems.......

  13. because he is just a SYSTEM puppet with no real ideas. he is an image with no substance.

  14. You must have missed the Democratic Convention..Either way,,its not so much of if he'll be able to fulfill all of his promises,,rather we KNOW what McCain wants to continue doing for the next four years,,PLUS, he doesn't care if we continue as is in IRAQ for the next 100 years !! Those two things inthemselves are unexceptable !! When you add into the mix the fact he thinks the economy is ""Basically Sound"",, how could any thinking person want to continue America down this broken course of incompentence for another four years.. You have to be insane not to realize what is happening here in America is WRONG !!   L     H

  15. No one knows if anyone will fulfill their promises. But I believe in at least voting for someone whose promises I believe in. As far as I'm concerned, I would be more likely to vote for McCain if I thought he would NOT fulfill his promises! I would rather he NOT fulfill  his promises. You don't vote for someone because you believe they will fulfill their promises. You vote for someone whose promises you would like to see fulfilled and then you work your hardest to do whatever it takes to support him in keeping his promises. A president can not fulfill his promises any more easily than anyone else. His job is to take a stand and lead us in the direction he believes in. I believe in what Obama is trying to do and I will work to help him do it.

  16. It's McWar's promises I'm worried about. Obama will do most of what he says. None of them can do all they promises.

  17. abblemon - Your question should be "how do you know that ANY presidential candidate is going to fulfill all of his or her promises?"

    I don't think anybody you?  There are so many factors which may come into play such as the House and Senate, the majority party, the dynamics of this mix, unforeseen events, foreign affairs, etc etc etc

    That's why I like Obama's seemingly vague underlying principles:  hope...change...and a return back to the magic of the American Dream.  These are concepts that "we the people" can help to define.

    Yes...we need hope.  The self-efficacy on a large scale which exclaims YES WE CAN!!!  It takes enthusiasm or a string of pep rallies so to speak to guide our expectations that we, as a nation, CAN place our focus back in a pioneering mindset.  A dreamer's mindset.  While many complain "hope" is too vague, those same complainers are regular "church goers" who speak of HOPE all of the time.  Hope is a powerful concept but when we get so dysphoric due to our failing system, we abandon that we even understand hope.  Keep hope alive!  If it takes only one man to proclaim it, then shout it out loud.  You go, Obama!

    (Now we're counting on you, Abblemon.  Keep hope your own little way.  Just do it!  You'll influence at least one person...)

    We also need change.  No more "dirty politics."  No more politics of deceit - look at the mess we're in!  How did we end up in Iraq?  No more hypocrisy: like being anti-g*y while soliciting s*x in a men's bathroom.  We need to energize the fabric of America.  That is, the middle class instead of the poor getting poorer and the rich getting richer.

    We need our magic back.  People wanna come to America because they know we stand against oppression.  They know prosperity and the pursuit of happiness are very possible here compared to other places.  That's why a group of illegal aliens can fix up an abandoned house (one which we let fall apart...) and put life back in it--dogs in the back yard with wagging tails, a veggie garden,  men who get up early to go to work, family gatherings full of a festive attitude...  Everyday here--whether legal or not--is like Independence Day.  We citizens should feel like that knowing that all we have to do is work hard, trust God & ourselves, and respect each other.  That's right...does anybody remember laughter?!

    Abblemon, show us YOUR charisma, YOUR powerful voice, and give us YOUR great speeches.  We'll start talking about what we're gonna do to solve all of these problems because ABBLEMON lit the fire!


    King Midas - take Abblemon out to dinner & share your thoughts.

    Eve - I'm with ya!

  18. Yeah, and I'm sure that "stay the path" McCain is really going to do a lot of good.

  19. How do you know he isn't? And name 3 presidents from the past 50 yrs that didn't go back on at least one of their campaign promises. It's called politics for a reason. And don't forget, you have to convince Congress before you can do anything. It's just as likely for McCain as Obama.

  20. We don't, we can hope. It doesn't depend on Barack Obama's desires but all of congress. Depends on support of the American People. He is basically professing his intentions in the behalf of Americans. Think about it, how many Presidents complied with their intentions?

    Obama 08!

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