
How do you know that other people are just as real as you?

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How do you know they are living a real life?

How can you tell that they are just as real as you?

How do you know what happened before you existed, actually did happened?

Seriously, how do you know that the people around you are real?




  1. if you assume you yourself are "real" - actually existing - then logically, the occurrence of human beings with similar traits yet variety beyond what would appear to be our mass imaginative intelligence would infer that these people also are "real", like you.  before you existed, nothing happened for you (obviously); therefore, you have no real way of knowing its previous existence. but once more we must infer that things did happen, since the humans we inferred were real experienced history.

    naturally, it could all be lies and misinterpretation; but we must assume that mass collective remembrances generally indicate the occurrence of events.

    you could be an extreme schizophrenic, imagining your co-earthlings.  if you are, take comfort in knowing you're a genius.

  2. You don't because we aren't.

  3. you should defiantly check out this video on youtube:

    keep an open mind though. if you prematurely judge the speaker and click away you will be missing out on what is at least very thought provoking. good luck on life's journey : )  

  4. Well, you will know when they think the same question.  If someone asks you if you are as real as them, then they must be real.  And I know, because you asked me this question, that you are real.  So my reply is.  How do I know that you are just as real as me?

  5. ...when i get hit in the head by a fist and kicked in the s*****m by a foot...try'll be a believer too...

  6. if you believe in magic

  7. You don't know. People keep secrets. I suppose you must, too. How do you know that you aren't real?

    If you aren't even sure that you are real, how can you tell if they are?

    Existence may not be real either. Life, death, and the afterlife may me a never-ending cycle, but maybe you aren't even part of it.

    If you aren't a part of it, the people around you aren't, either.

  8. i guess my only answer to that is, how do you know you are?

  9. Reality is an illusion caused by lack of drugs :-))

  10. You cant, the best you can hope for is to continue until it all just ends. Whether that ending is natural life, or the fantastical delusion that could be nonexistance.

  11. The same reason you posted this question asking for real responses.  

    Look as a child I sometimes got smart alecky to my mother in my pretend world right after she gave me an order to do something.  And it didn't take long for me to find out whose world I really lived in.

    My momma was right.

  12. You can't, and in a non-literal way, not a lot of people are, with so many pretending to be what they're not and faking their way through life.

  13. This is a very zen question...I guess there is no answer, no one really knows, because everyone has a different perception of reality. Movies and books might seem completely fake to you, whereas others might perceive them as real, or bearing hints of reality. I suppose the only way you would know is from a feeling, if you perceive the people around you to be real, then that means they are. I try not to think about these things too much, or else, you find yourself over examining things and finding problems with your friends or whoever that weren't there before.  

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