
How do you know that ur drink has been spiked?

by Guest10647  |  earlier

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i went to a club and i cant remember what happened between the club and my house and am scared




  1. you are messed up

  2. A friend of mine suffered major consequences from this happening to her.  She left her drink unattended to use the bathroom.  Never leave your drink out of sight, and it is best to get your own from the bar.

  3. maybe you drank too much? i thought it happened to me because i was feeling really edgy and paranoid then i realised i just had too many energy drinks lol.

    here are the common symptoms:

    dizziness and difficulty with walking,

    confusion or feeling of disorientation, especially the next day, or after waking up after you have been asleep,

    nausea or vomiting,


    tiredness and fatigue,

    difficulty speaking, or slurred speech,

    visual problems, particularly blurred vision,

    paranoia a feeling of fear or distrust of others, and

    amnesia, particularly about things that have recently happened, or you may experience what is known as a black out of events not being able to remember large sections of your evening.

    do you have any friends who could tell you what happened?

    at least you ended up at home.

  4. ask the cab driver, (or the police).

  5. If it tastes good, it's spiked.

  6. u really never know and if you had been u wouldnt notice or couldnt even do anything about it. It hapened to me my fdriends didnt even noticed till the guy that did it tried to get me to leave with him. even then my friend thought i was really drunk i remember lil things like falling down and a question i asked in the car besides that i dont remember anything. besides waking up two days later and feeling like i was drugged up for another day. if it wasmt for my friends who knows anyway the only way to know if its not to late you can always go to the er and get them to see if you had been drugged i would check with ur friends to make sure u were around all night good luck and be careful next time have fun but pay attention

  7. And that's the whole problem!! There is no way to know. Please be very, very careful!! I have a relative who almost died like that!!

    If you experience any further memory loss or have headaches...go to ER.

  8. Thats one sign, also waking up the next day feeling very ill is another giveaway

  9. I think if I had had a drink and I had no problems and then all of a sudden I got sick or really started to feel funny, I would think someone did something to the drink. If I woke up and did not remember anything I would know someone did something to the drink.

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