
How do you know the sun will come up tomorrow?

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How do you know the sun will come up tomorrow?




  1. The sun isn't guaranteed to come up tomorrow.  It just has a very high probability.  I don't worry about it any more than I worry that I might be hit by an asteroid walking down the street.

  2. Because iput it there in the first place!

    why do you try an understand things you are not capable of ever understaning,., is the world at a stand still?

  3. You never know what tomorrow holds... Live for today... Like its the last day of your life....

  4. I know because I call it before going to sleep.

  5. You won't know until you open your eyes!

    If there is another tomorrow - don't waste it.

    If there isn't, you probably will never know, and it will no longer matter!

  6. you can just bet your bottom dollar bout tomorrow

  7. Annie told me

  8. you are a koosa and a panchod. if you dont know what that means, ask an indian guy.

    anyways getting back to the question, i would just like to say its a very ******* stupid question and also, i know the sun will rise tomorow beacause for the past 25 years, as far as i can remember, the sun has risen.

    but anyways, just ask and indian guy, who speaks punjabi what  those words mean and you will understand where im coming from

  9. the sun doesn't actually "come up". the earth spins, and wherever you are located is either facing the sun or it isn't facing the sun. what you really should be asking is if the earth will keep turning so that you will see the sun again.

  10. You don't

  11. Well.  You don't.  You just have to hope it does.

  12. Watch Terry Pratchets the Hoggfather

  13. It's not going anywhere soon; & the earth is still turning.

    It'll come up, even if we're not here to see it.

  14. Thats a good question, I guess we really don't. It has been over the past billion.....years. So why wouldn't it come up tomorrow?

  15. everything is gonna be okay tommorrow, i know it from experience. just dont worry, live your life, keep on praying, everything will be fine!

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