
How do you know we don't ask to be born poem?

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Ask To Be Born

By Semper Fi Reborn

I truly believe in my heart

We all come from Heaven

Originated in Heaven

Are meant to return to Heaven

Where we are given a soul

And a unique design

So why have we put in our minds

We didn't ask to be born?

How do we know?

We could have been talking to God

Asking Him to grant us life on Earth.

How do we know?

We could have said Lord, Oh Lord,

Grant me a time of Earthly birth

How doe we know?

We spend our lives

Trying to earn God's Love

Can it be that we started


How do you know

You didn't ask to be born?




  1. I rather believe in reincarnation and I do think we ask to be born and reborn till we manage to get what being a Human is all about.  I sure hope I've learned a few lessons this time!

  2. It used to be that we only questioned our order; our place in the circle. Now, most people don't believe the circle exists. We are standing there holding our weight plus five other people's because they are busy fixing their hair...HELP!

  3. My Mom would have thrown this poem in my face, if you would have written it when I was 18.

    I was a troubled teen, and I always blamed her for not letting me die. I was born a sickly newborn. I made her cry alot because of that line, "I wish I was never born."

    I am 27 now, last year I wrote her a poem asking her forgiveness. I  put it in a "MOM" frame.

    She`s forgiven me.

  4. I believe that every soul started in heaven, or more like out side the gates and that we never saw God but we will see Him if we make it to heaven.

    Because if we were ever to truly to see God we would never want to leave Him.

    I love your poem and I truly respect and admire your Christian spirit, not many people have it any more.

    Awesome job=)

  5. Very true and beautifully written!

    But I would go on to say,

    How do you know you didn't ask to suffer,

    in the hands of the person that maybe your Mother,

    or Father or Wife,

    Sister Brother, or Stranger in Life.

    How do you know,

    you didn't ask for Love,


    You only get this

    From God above.

  6. I, too, believe we originated in heaven.  We live an earthly life, a gift, and return to heaven when we have accomplished the sight of love and knowledge.  This is a deep poem.  It expresses profound thoughts.

  7. This is a wonderfully provocative poem that asks a great question.

    My answer to the question is that we don't know.  I personally believe that there is a plan and that, whether we asked for it or not, we are on this Earth to learn from our circumstances and the choices we make even if it takes several life times.

  8. 10/10. Beeeeautiful ! Wow!

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