
How do you know what to run in track?

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I was thinking of doing track and field this year I am will be 16 August 25. I am also 5'7 and around 170. I was wondering how do I know whats best for me to run. I am not slow and not extremely fast, but I am so where in the middle. I don't think long distance is for me.




  1. Running is not the only thing at track.  You could always try throwing or jumping.

    Generally the fastest of the fast do 100 and 200 and the 1600, 3200 are considered distance events.

    400m and 800m are middle distance events but are also very difficult because you will need to run close to full speed the entire way. they are my personal nitch because I can hold my speed

    Good luck

  2. Get your times on all events. If your sprint times are bad I would consider doing Long Distance. You can make a sprinter a long distance runner but you can't make everyone a sprinter.The reason is do to the different fibers. Fast twitch fibers are great for Sprinting it gives you jolt for muscle speed. Slow twitch fibers reduces lactic acid fermentation (which basically means that you won't get tired as fast) You can turn fast twitch fibers into slow twitch fibers but you can't turn slow twitch fibers into Fast ones. So, with a little training you could become a lot better at Long distance than you would at Sprinting. But, it depends on your times. If you have good times for sprints do sprints. If not, join Cross Country for conditioning it is fun and it will get you in shape. The only competition is yourself and your previous

  3. 100m is always nice because it is over very quickly. 200m and 400m are not good races to run if you are not very skill at them. But 800m is a nice race to work at. if you have some sort of talent at it. So i'd advise you to try 100m or 800m.

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