
How do you know what type of clarinet you have?

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i know it's a buffet crampon & cie that i'm looking to buy. the serial number is 58151. the person i'm buying it from doesn't know if it's an R-13 or a final prototype model. they matched it identical to a 1969 r-13, but they can't be sure...




  1. Well, when you search the Buffet website to find your serial number, it comes up with a range of dates between 1945 and 1957... their records got a little screwy right after the war.  Most likely, the clarinet in question was made in 1957... here's the link for the site:

    As far as if it's an R13 or a prototype: that's laughable! It IS an R13... the R13 was invented in 1950, and I guarantee that Buffet HAS POSESSION of their prototypes.  By 1957, the R13 was already well established.  Also, if it's not a pro model (ie R13, RC R13, Prestige, Vintage, or Festival), Buffet won't list the serial number on their website.

    It sounds as if the person who currently owns the clarinet doesn't know what they really have.  Use this to your advantage to negotiate the price down a bit!

    Good luck, and have fun playing! :)

    *EDIT: Just a quick thought- you may want to check the top and bottom joints and make sure the serial numbers match.

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