
How do you know what type of tip you have on your cue stick?

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I just got a 20oz. $140 cue stick made from the Liberty Group and I am wondering how I can tell why type of tip I have on it.

Also, if it is not a good tip, what are good types of tips to get?




  1. There are many, many different kinds of tips available and are probably the most important part of your cue. One of the most popular tips is the Le Pro tip. It comes installed on most new production cues. It is a med/hard tip and plays fine. Applying a lot of english is easier with a softer tip, but they will mushroom more, and need more attention to keep the proper shape. A lot of experimentation is necessary to find the one that is best for you. I personally like the layered variety. I feel like I have better control and they tend to last longer and stay consistent. I like tiger brand tips. They have about four different kinds each available in different harnesses. If you are new to pool and still gaining experience with cues and tips etc. I would definitely leave retipping to an experienced person. It is not terribly difficult to do, but if is not done properly will hurt your cues performance and possibly cause damage to your cue. Typical cost for retipping is between seven and thirty dollars depending on which tip you choose. It is worth the investment. A lot of places will do it while you wait, so you can watch them perform it and see how it is done. The best option is to do it on a lathe to trim the tip flush with the ferule without scratching up the ferule. There is a book available through Muellers Sporting goods titled " How to tip a Pool cue" that covers the topic fairly well if you want more info.

    If you need to know more about what different tips do, check out my second link for more informatino.

    I use an Everest tip.  Best tip I've ever tried.  Hard as a rock, and rarely needs shaping, but gives off english like a soft tip.

  2. I like Le Pro tips for my cues.  If you aren't putting it on yourself, you can ask around at your local pool league, they usually know someone local who can put on a new tip and shape it for you fairly inexpensively.  Why don't you try shooting with the tip that came on the cue.  If you like the results you're getting than why bother changing it?

  3. Contact the company that made the stick and ask them what kind it is. I prefer a good hard tip because they last a long time and they don't tend to mushroom out on me. I use LePro tips on my shooting cues and Triangle tips on my jump and break cues. These are hard leather tips and Iv'e never had a problem with them.I have never heard of a liberty group pool cue so you may have to ask the person you bought it from who actually made it. Good luck and have fun with the new cue!

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