
How do you know what you REALLY feel?

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I am 13 weeks pregnant and not knowing the gender is driving me nuts! I actually really nervous about it! My husband and I have a 3 year old son that is absolutely amazing. this will more then likely be our last baby so I would like a little girl. I just want to experience raising both sexes. I really feel like its a boy but I also feel like maybe I am just setting myself up for the fact that it will probably be a boy. I have even started buying boy stuff. My sister is due with a girl any day now and i cant help but feel a twinge of sadness looking at all her new girly stuff. PLEASE don't get my wrong...i wouldn't give up my son for the world and I will love this baby no matter which gender but I don't think its wrong for wanting to experience both genders.

My question the mothers the "knew" what there babies could you really tell? I just cant tell if its mother intuition or I'm bracing myself for what will probably happen (I rarely get what I want ha ha!)




  1. There's no real way to tell. Until you get an ultrasound, you're relying on instincts. Some mothers instinctively know, so what do your instincts tell you, aside from what you want?

  2. Hi well going from what I experienced I was totally wrong, for some reason I was convinced that I was having a girl, I dont know why as it wasnt really likley I would have a girl first as my mum had 2 boys first and and so did my mother in law, but I thought I just had a feeling, but on the ultrasound it says I am having a boy and I am over the moon and wasnt unhappy at all, as you get what you are given for a reason, It probably unlikely that I will have a girl next time as well,  but as long as my baby is healthy I dont care, Yep a boy and a girl ia what everyone wants but if I was to have another boy, I wouldnt be too fussed.

    I wouldnt feel sad if I didnt get a girl, like I didnt feel sad when I found out I was having a boy and I had the feeling it was a going to be a girl.

    I dont think its wrong to experiance both genders but this it is wrong to feel sad and unhappy in yourself when you dont get what you want, I was a little angry at my hubby when he told me for years that if I got pregnant he wouldnt care what we had first, but then as soon as I am pregnant he was telling me he would like a boy first, where as I didnt care as long as my baby was healthy as I dont think its fair to say you want one more than the other.  

  3. you sound exactly like my sister she has a 2 year old son already and wasn't sure about what this baby was going to be, but still had an intuition  it was a boy....turned out she was right it is another boy!

  4. well, from what i've read, women's intuition is right 70% of the time. my husband and i both thought we were having a girl, and we were right. i wasn't a 100% sure, but i just couldn't picture it being anything else and whenever i imagined the baby at like 2-3 years old, i always pictured a girl. for some reason, i just didn't think it was going to be boy. maybe it was because my husband and i always said we didn't want girls, only boys before i got pregnant, then as soon as i got pregnant, we both realized we didn't care at all. so i don't know-maybe we were guessing that it was karma coming around and making fools of us, or maybe we both did have some weird sixth sense (lol). i wouldn't start buying clothes yet, but it's possible you're right.

       whatever it is, i'm sure you'll both adore it and wouldn't change the gender for the world!!! i know my baby is going to be such a daddy's (and mommy's) girl! she's already getting spoiled, and she's not even born yet!  

  5. Oh, don't start buying stuff just yet--you'll know soon!  Talk to your doctor.  I'm having my anatomy scan on Thursday and they think they should be able to tell us the s*x of the baby then.  I'll be just 17w2d.  It's so very hard to be patient--this is my one and only child so I'm so anxious and I want to buy stuff every day!  I'm forcing myself to wait just a bit longer.

  6. My intuition was completely wrong, so I don't think those who were right really "knew."  More likely, their intuition just happened to be correct.

  7. I wouldn't buy baby boy things yet silly! :-P

  8. We have a girl and a boy, and a girl on the way. I can understand that you'd want a little girl - but also I know you'd be happy with another son. I thought the baby on the way was a boy for sure. When I was pregnant with our daughter, I was sick all the time but with our son I wasn't. So this time when I wasn't getting sick I assumed she'd be a boy - but I was wrong!

    It's a 50/50 chance - I was wrong, and you could be too. Either way, you'll have a new baby to love and care for - boy or girl. I'll bet your son would be thrilled to have a little brother.  

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