
How do you know when a celebrity or important political figure is coming purposely to visit your city?

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I'm not talking in secret. I'm talking like to promote or campaign? I always thought looking at their official websites I can find out their "tour" schedule but this doesn't seem to be the case. And newspapers, TV news never answers you back. So how do I know so I can see these people and support them? Just any advice on those who experienced something in meet and greet please let me know.




  1. Gerald Ford came to my home town while on the campaign trail in 76. It was announced in the newspaper and we went out to the airport to greet Air Force One. TONS of secret service everywhere.

  2. Celebrity fan clubs usually would have stuff posted in when they have meet and greets. I been to some of those types before. Just went to a few recently this year as well.

    Political Figures hum you would probably find that info in a local paper or hear it on the news the day before they arrive to the area. But sometimes you may not if they are in fear of any possible assination plots. (I know I didn't spell the A one correctly)

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