
How do you know when a cut needs stiches?

by Guest33851  |  earlier

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I busted the skin above my eyebrow open and it is about a 1" cut along my forehead. How do I know if I should go to the doctor and get stiches?




  1. If it is gaping open/there is a good amount of space between the wound edges, then you probably need stitches. Doctors typically won't suture if it's been longer than12-24 hours after the accident (they just let it heal by itself after that). An alternative if you don't want stitches, or have waited too long, is to use the butterfly bandages. Or there is something that might work better, they are called steri-strips. They are little pieces of tape that you put over wounds to hold them together. They sometimes labeled as surgical tape. But they work great.

  2. i think if it's not very deep.. it won't matter as much.

    if its really deep though then maybe you should at least get it checked out??

  3. it depends how deep and how long it is. i think mostly how deep it is.

  4. When it won't stop bleeding or it's really easy to start to make to bleed.

  5.   Well if  it  deep  enough  to see two or  more  layers I  say it  needs DR  attention.  There  are band aids  called  butterfly shaped  to pull side  togeather .  I  did  that  with  a  bad  sissor  accident  I  got helping someone with  a  dog  groom. Infection  is  major  concern.  

  6. If you are insured, it needs stitches.

  7. it depends...... normally if you want a cheep way out of it you just do like butterfly stitches or something... they work well.....stitches just help risk of infections and such....if it is pretty deep.... or your cut is very wide i would go get stitches.....

  8. It depends on how deep the cut is.  If it's really deep and it won't stop bleeding then you need stitches.  But if it's not bleeding then you should be ok just put a band-aid on it so that it won't get infected.

  9. It's impossible to tell with out seeing it. Just go to the ER. The longer you wait, the worse it gets.  

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