
How do you know when a gallbladder problem has started?

by Guest31762  |  earlier

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ok i think im having gallbladder problems and im onli 14. I was wondering it just started a few weeks ago. Can i be able to still save my gallbladder before its too late.? Also do you get like gain a lot of weight after your gallbladder is removedd. Also my main question is how do u know a gallbladder problem has started.




  1. Burping and burping. Vomiting after a greasy meal. The body can live without a gallbladder. No you wont gain weight unless you let yourself go.

  2. My galbladder problems started when I was 17. I had a non functioning one. If your gallbladder is causing you problems why do you want to save it? its useless. I had mine removed at 17 because every time i ate, I threw up. I could not keep food down and was very naucious all of the time. I also would throw up acid.  I lost weight after I had it out...why would you gain? The only thing...there ARE side effects to having it removed for a lucky few people and i was one of them. I now have to take medicine to have a normal stomach.

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