
How do you know when a libra man is serious/in love with you?/

by Guest61515  |  earlier

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  1. Sadly, Gemini Gyal is telling the truth.  They'll be around so much that it will annoy you.   He will try his best to be the center of your attention, while buying you gifts just because.  

  2. you can know by eye contact, phone calls, and much more.. my boyfriend is libra. i know that he like me the day i saw him.. he is so caring, when they're serious about you. they'll do anything for you. my boyfriend is by my side everytime. i love him with all my heart. good luck to you. hope everything work out for you..

  3. He will let you know...I'm a Libra and pretty honest about that kind of stuff.

    Now if he were a Gemini, he would lie his butt off.

    Hey, Hey! Libra's have great hearts.....we are loyal, honest, and love who we love unconditionally. So, if you don't like to be pampered stay away from us. But, I know in today's rotten heart society your not suppose to love anyone anymore. I guess your suppose to just get took by ruthless women.

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