
How do you know when a scorpio is truly in love with you?

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how do you know when a scorpio is in love with you?

im a cancer, and i just started dating a scorpio.

he told me he's had a crush on me ever since middle school and i never gave him a chance until now.

he's always telling me how i have his heart and how im all he thinks about and how i am his everthing, and im his world. he's always saying "i love you" but hes said it to past girlfriends and i just think he throws it around like it is nothing.

he did leave his ex girlfriend to be with me though.

part of me wants to believe him, but i always see him flirting with other girls online and he tells me its nothing.




  1. you actually believe that bulls.h.i.t.?

  2. im a scorpio we will do anything for the one we love and will spend as much time as we can to show you that. we also need some independance, but we need alot of attention. but mostly are way is just being there for you and showing you little gestures .

  3. BAm a scorpio too. Well i had a crush on this guy, and i told him, what you scorpio told you..and i meant, with all the passion in me..I even got mad at him, for not realixing how much i really like him. But scorpio need some indepencance too. but he probally means it.

  4. Well, to find out if this guy is in love with you, you can check magazine horoscopes which tell you your perfect match.

  5. The best relationship advice for dating a Scorpio male is get ready to go with the flow and have fun being seduced by him and watch out for that voracious s*x drive, and at the end, he will always treat you like a lady, not just his property; he wants you to remember him forever and be mesmerized by his seductive allure - a fun experience while it lasts! And that is why regardless of your compatibility with Scorpio, every woman should date a Scorpio man at one point in their lives.

  6. uggggg my scorpio boyfriend did that too! and then he broke up with me randomly after he really got me to fall for him

    I'm a pisces by the way

  7. Scorpio in Love

    The Scorpion is as clever in love as in life: Much of what's going on is a tactical game, one they are more than likely to win. Scorpios can be very s**y when in love, and that says a lot about members of this already s**y sign. When in love, the Scorpion can be intensely passionate, a rush of fluid feelings in keeping with this Water-born sign. Often, though, there is a push-pull in the dance of love, thanks to the Scorpion's many motivations. A lover who is willing to discover what's really beneath the surface will serve both the Scorpion and themselves very well.

    Scorpio and Romance

    There's a hard-to-pin-down, magnetic quality which surrounds the Scorpion, an aura which says "try me, if you dare!" That's just what Scorpions want, someone fearless, who is willing to help create the ultimate romance, one which will take them to greater heights than ever before. When this works, the Scorpion's passions are unleashed with hurricane force. If, however, the romance zigs, zags and bouts of jealousy may be the unwelcome result. Ruling planets Mars and Pluto might prompt Scorpio to think that romance is a clash of wills, but a clever lover is the one who can bring this warrior to see that a pincer movement to the heart is the sweetest of all.

    What Scorpio Needs

    A challenge is something that makes the Scorpion swoon: The prospect of someone who can test them and who can make the game fast and fun is almost irresistible. Scorpio, of course, wants nothing but the best, so winners only need apply. Scorpions are also eager to find a strong, understanding and perceptive partner, someone who embraces the many facets of this volcanic lover. What else? Someone who won't judge them, who possesses raw personal power themselves, who keeps the game interesting, who has a red-hot s*x drive and who knows how to talk when it's important to the relationship. Not much to ask, eh?

    The Scorpio lover is determined, forceful, has great passion and strength and finishes what they start. This is a powerful and sexual being who isn't for the faint-hearted. Those with guts are bound for glory!

    Scorpio in Relationships

    Guess who's in charge here? You've got it, the strong Scorpion, who is not quite ready to be controlled by others. This can make for an interesting relationship dynamic and one very s**y chess game. What the Scorpion wants are s*x, love and money from a lover, and the absolute best where all three are concerned. Deep down, though, it's s*x and the power it brings which carry the most weight with this libidinous soul. Scorpions are possessed of a steely determination and a strong sense of what is best for them. Thankfully, this often takes into account their partner, and they are quick to be giving with the right lover, and to make their life very easy. As long as the Scorpion wins, there will be harmony in the mating game. The ideal Scorpio soul mate can go twelve rounds anywhere, anytime and preferably in bed.

    I hope this helps you out!!!

    Best of Luck to You!!! =)*

  8. He will step off his Throne and let you lead once in awhile. Oh if you are intelligent he will find you absolutely irresistible. And also don't concern yourself too much about his past. They are flirts though. If you haven't asked him yet ask him how he would feel if you flirted on-line like he does? It really does take a strong women to be with a Scorpio man. And they love strong independent women.

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